Chapter Seventeen

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A kiss is a secret told to the mouth instead of the ear;
Kisses are messengers of love and tenderness.

A kiss is a secret told to the mouth instead of the ear; Kisses are messengers of love and tenderness

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"Y-you look handsome," I stammered, my mind racing to comprehend what I had just said. Surprised by my own words, my eyes widened as the unexpected compliment escaped my lips. It was a moment of disbelief. I couldn't believe that I had just complimented my ex-boyfriend, someone with whom I was attempting to build a friendship.

The air around us seemed to hold its breath as my words hung in the air, the tension between us growing palpable. How would he react? Would he think I was being insincere or trying to rekindle our past relationship?

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Kayden's expression shifted, reflecting a mixture of surprise and perhaps a hint of confusion. He paused for a moment, his eyes searching mine for any hidden meaning behind my words. Then, unexpectedly, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Thank you," he responded softly, his voice carrying a note of genuine appreciation. The tension dissipated, replaced by a renewed sense of possibility. It was a fragile step forward in our quest to redefine our connection, to navigate the delicate path from lovers to friends.

In that moment, I realized that sometimes breaking the boundaries of the past could lead to unexpected breakthroughs. While I couldn't predict where this newfound compliment would take us, I was hopeful that it might lay the foundation for a genuine friendship, built upon honesty and mutual admiration.

"And I may say you look ravishing." His words caused a warmth to spread across my cheeks, and I instinctively lowered my head, attempting to conceal my blushing reaction.

I took a deep breath, raising my gaze to meet his eyes once again. With a shy smile, I replied, "Thank you, Kayden. I appreciate the compliment." Though my blush persisted, I hoped that my response conveyed a sense of gratitude while maintaining a subtle boundary.

Melina's exclamation brought my attention to the fact that we were all coincidentally dressed in shades of grey. It was an amusing realization, and we shared a lighthearted chuckle at the unexpected coordination. Kayden and I exchanged glances, acknowledging the unintentional matching attire.

Theoden, ever the gentleman, extended his arm towards Melina, playfully asking, "Do I have the pleasure, my lady?" Melina blushed and gladly accepted his gesture, locking her arm with his in a playful display of affection.

Feeling a mix of nerves and excitement, Kayden turned towards me, mirroring Theoden's offer. "Can I have the pleasure too?" he asked, his arm extended towards me. I nodded, a shy smile gracing my lips, and gladly linked my arm with his. Accepting his arm seemed like a practical decision, as it would allow us to navigate through the event together, shielding us from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. Being at the hotel where the celebration was held had its advantages.

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