Chapter Thirteen

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The best therapist has fur and four legs.

As I made my way through the parking lot towards my car, my ears caught the sound of whimpering

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As I made my way through the parking lot towards my car, my ears caught the sound of whimpering. Instantly, my senses heightened, and I became more alert. I scanned the seemingly empty parking lot, my brows furrowing in confusion. It was perplexing to hear such a sound when there was no one else in sight.

As I heard the whimpering again, my curiosity got the better of me. I decided to follow the sound and walked towards its origin, taking careful steps to ensure that my heels didn't make any noise. With each quiet stride, I drew closer to the source of the sound.

And there, in a corner of the parking lot, I saw a small puppy, whimpering and struggling to walk. It was evident that one of its legs was causing it pain, and its overall appearance suggested malnourishment. Yet, what struck me the most were its captivating blue eyes. I hadn't realized that dogs could have such mesmerizing blue eyes.

An overwhelming wave of compassion washed over me as I observed the puppy's distress. Without hesitation, I knew that I needed to help this vulnerable creature. I crouched down, slowly extending a hand towards the puppy, hoping to offer comfort and reassurance but he let out a whimper making me stop, "I won't harm you I promise."

With utmost care, I approached the puppy, ensuring that I didn't exacerbate its leg injury. Slowly and gently, I picked it up, cradling it in my arms. As I carried the puppy, I made my way back to my car, being mindful of its delicate condition.

Placing the puppy on the passenger seat, I quickly settled into the driver's seat. Determined to get it the help it needed, I unlocked my phone and started searching for veterinary hospitals that were open at this late hour. It was crucial to find a place where the puppy could receive immediate attention and medical care.

As I scrolled through the search results, my focus remained on finding a reliable veterinary facility that could offer the necessary assistance. Time was of the essence, and I was determined to provide the puppy with the care and treatment it deserved.

Fortunately, I discovered a 24/7 veterinary clinic, providing me with a sense of relief. Starting the engine of my Mustang, I began the journey, following the directions provided by the Google Assistant.

With the puppy safely cradled in my arms, I arrived at the small clinic. I gently knocked on the door, and a young man greeted me as he opened it. His striking green eyes, blonde hair, and defined jawline caught my attention momentarily. However, he quickly shifted his focus towards the injured puppy in my arms, his expression changing to one of concern.

Understanding the urgency of the situation, I spoke to the young man, my voice filled with a mix of worry and determination. "I found this puppy in the parking lot. It appears to have a broken leg and is malnourished. I need help for it immediately." I hoped that the young man, as a veterinary professional, would be able to provide the necessary care and attention the puppy desperately needed.

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