Chapter Forty Seven

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People call my sister troublemaker,
I call her my 2.0

Everyone was shocked when I had said I don't wanna press charges, but press charges

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Everyone was shocked when I had said I don't wanna press charges, but press charges... it's complicated.

I had decided that Arabella would go into psychiatric hospital under supervision & many restrictions. I would pay for her since she had no relatives, an orphan. She would be there for few years then independent, all on her own.

Kayden still thinks that it isn't a good idea, even I think so. But I don't wanna destroy someone's life just because she is obsessed with my boyfriend, and not to forget the stabbing.

Today I was getting discharged, from few days the cops were continuously visiting especially because I wasn't pressing charges. It was a big deal, it was attempted murder after all. Kayden was with me all the time except for few hours when he would go home to freshen up.

Somehow the paparazzi had gotten the wind about me, so they had camped up in front of the hospital creating many difficulties for the hospital. It was so much of a trouble that a patient, who needed immediate medical assistance, almost died just because paparazzi wasn't giving them way.

The owner of the hospital personally came to visit me explaining the situation to me. So I requested dad to release a settlement and make them ashamed of themselves. Even Criss raised the issue about this in her news channel making it a whole new havoc. Since then people having been violent, protesting against paparazzi.

What shall I do with these people?

"Ready to go?" I heard Kay's voice as I pulled out of my trail of thoughts. He placed a kiss on my forehead and helped me get off the bed. "Need help with the clothes?" He wriggled his eyebrows teasing.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "you pervert, get out." He laughed and walked out as I quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants & loose T-shirt. As much as I didn't wanted to walk like this in front of public wearing this, it was comfortable.

My mother entered as I smiled at her and was returned with the same gesture, we both walked out while I leaned my support upon her with my arm wrapped around her shoulder. Kayden & dad immediately stepped forward as Kayden grabbed my waist & dad my shoulder.

"Do you need a wheelchair?" Dad asked me, looking at with farrowed eyebrows.

"How much more weak do I need to look?" I scowled. I hate showing my weak side to public. He shook his head with pursed lips.

I wrapped an arm around Kayden's shoulder while my other hand rest over my wound softly. People were eyeing us weirdly but I ignored them and kept my poker face intact despite the pain in my stomach.

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