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My first name is Y/N. I know. A lot of people can have this name. I don't really have a family. My mom let me all alone in an alleyway when I was just a baby with a letter who only had her name and a little text saying the father knew and that he didn't want me too on it. What a great beginning in life no? So I was in an orphanage for the four first years of my life.

After that, a couple took me on their house. The woman explained to me that she wasn't able to have children. She was really protective with me. The man was something else. I understood that when he began to beat the woman because she didn't do what he wanted.

She had great dreams for me. She took me to auditions because she was sure that I could be an actress. Every time we came back with a "No" we received a punch on the stomach or the face. It could be surprising that he agreed to the auditions but he was just interested about the money that would come of this.

Until once, I received a yes. For a great movie called "Iron Man". I was supposed to play Y/N Stark. It was cool because she had the same name as me. I really loved this role and had a really good feeling with Robert Downey Jr, the guy who played my dad in the movie.

After some years, I was famous because of my role. I did some appearances on other movies or shows but the major part of my life was still Y/N Stark. I loved this life but once I was at the house it was a whole new life. The couple took all the money I won with Marvel. Even tho I thought it was normal, because I was only a teenager I was so disappointed the woman didn't do anything about it. But after a talk with the other actors, they told me that I could have the money on an account with my name because I was way more than 14 (yeah I am 18).

After some time thinking about it, I did something crazy. I prepared my bags with all my things inside. I called the bank to have all MY money on an account. They did it after I explained the reason. After that, I left the house with no regrets.

I slept on a hotel for a week and then bought a place for me, myself and I. I continued my career still as Y/N Stark. I wasn't with these couple who was supposed to be my family anymore but I had a better family, the MCU one that welcomed me like I was their own. Once I had a conversation with RDJ.

-So how is my fictional daughter ?

-She is good, finally out of hell."

His eyes widened. He looked like he wanted to ask something but didn't know how to.

-What does that mean munchkin ?

I laughed at the mention of "munchkin". It was the nickname Tony Stark gave to my character. I began to think of how to explain everything to him without taking too much time.

-Well Robert, I finally have my own place, you know it is good after all that happened to me with the family I was in.

-I really don't understand what you're talking about Y/N...

I decided to explain my story to him. What my mom did, the letter she wrote and what was in this letter. After all I said his eyes widened again. He looked like he panicked and began to go away saying he forgot about a thing he had to do. I didn't understand but let him go preparing my bag to go back home.

Word count : 643

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