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Ps : guys we reached 300 reads... waw ! Thank you so much ! Sending all my love to you !

Pps : Y/M/N means Your Middle Name

Two weeks later :

Here we are... The big day. Saying that I felt nervous was an understatement. I was sure I was doing the right thing, Tom was my soulmate and nothing could change my mind but what if he changes his mind ?

I slept at my parents' house so Tom wouldn't see any of my preparation. Susan woke me up at 7 a.m. and Olivia and Gwen came to do the make up and hair.

-Okay so what do you want for your day.

-I don't want too much make up so something really light. And for my hair I want curls but for the style I let you decide.

They began and we stayed silent. After a while, Olivia was laughing but I didn't know why.

-Olivia I want to laugh too. What is it ?

-Remember when we were preparing you the day you met Tom ? I said that a hook up wouldn't harm you and here we are. A wedding.

-Oh gosh I forgot ! Yeah that is true ! To be honest if you had told me four years ago that I would marry this man I would have laugh at your face without stopping.

We laughed a bit but had to finish the work. It took 30 more minutes and I stepped out of the room. My family gasped.

-Aren't you beautiful my little munchkin.

-Robert stop ! She is not a little munchkin anymore.

-Will always be for me.

I hugged my parents but had to go to put my dress on. I did it with Z and Eli and when I saw myself on the mirror I wanted to cry. So it was real, after everything I went through. I left the room so my dad could see me.

-Holy shit !

-Language !

We laughed and he dried his tears. He hugged me and Susan joined the hug. The kids were already with Tom where we would marry.

-Time to go, you ready my sweetie ?

-Yeah I think I am mom.

We went to the car and went to the place. Susan went to her seat with the kids and my girls went behind where I will be. Everybody stood and dad took my hand so I could walk with him.

-Please don't let me down.


And with that we entered the room. I immediately searched Tom's eyes and when he saw me I could see some tears. I wanted too but couldn't because of the make up. We arrived where he was and dad gave him my hands. He whispered something to him and Tom nodded but I didn't understand.

We locked eyes and the marriage officiant began to talk. We weren't listening to him, too busy being lost in each other's eyes. Until it was time for the vows.

-Tom will you please tell your vows.

-Y/N, when I first met you, I was the kind of man that didn't believe in love. But when you looked me in the eyes for the first time, I knew it was you. I didn't even know your name yet but I already fell for you. You are just incredible Y/N. When you laugh, I feel like I could just fly, when you smile to me, I feel like the world is on pause. I was the luckiest because you felt the same way. After all we've been through together, we still stick and that is how I knew you were the one. When you were on this bed, I told you I would marry you and you can see I didn't lie. Today, I will become even happier than I was before and I honestly think it wasn't possible. I will finish by saying the line that we always use to express our love : I love you 3000 Y/N.

-Y/N will you please tell your vows.

-Tom, before I met you, I was sure I would die alone and unloved. When I knew I had to play with you, some told me I should go with it before I even knew your name. I used to laugh at them but when you came on set, you said my name and looked me in the eyes and my only thought "I am so screwed". I didn't want to be in love and here you were. I didn't resist and it was the good choice. Tom you are my light in the dark, you are my whole world you can't even imagine... You were there for the good and for the bad. And even after all we've been through, I know you are my soulmate. I think you don't understand that you saved me in every single way a person can be saved. I honestly can't wait tospend the rest of my life with you. I love you 3000 Tom.

-Will you, Thomas Stanley Holland, take Y/N Y/M/N Downey as your wife ?

-I do.

-Will you, Y/N Y/M/N Downey, take Thomas Stanley Holland as your husband ?

-I do.

-I now declare you husband and wife. You can kiss the bride.

We kissed and couldn't stop saying I love you to each other.

Time skip :

We were now on the party room. It was almost the time for our dance to open the dancefloor.

-How is Mrs. Holland ?

-She is good. She is so happy you can't even imagine.

-Let's go. We will do our dance.

We began to dance on "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. I had my head on Tom's chest and had his on my head. I felt like we were alone there but the people clapped at the end of the song reminding me that there were other people.

-May I steal your bride ?

-Of course.

Tom kissed my cheek and I danced with dad. It felt so unreal... I never thought I would be able to dance with my dad one day.

-What did you say to Tom earlier ?

-I asked him to take care of you.

I hugged him and we finished dancing. I danced with all of my Avengers dads until I finally found Tom again. I hugged him while swaying but we stopped to do better dances for the party.

The wedding finished at 3 a.m. and Tom and I went home. He helped me to remove all the products I had on my face and I showered. While he was taking his shower, I stayed there, admiring my ring.

How lucky I was. And it was only the beginning of the new chapter.

Words count : 1129

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now