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1 month and a half later

Tom and I were packing our things to go to the Downey annual trip for Robert's birthday. It would be a little special because we would also celebrate our first anniversary with Tom. The birthday was the 4th of April and our anniversary will be the 15th.

We were now the 1st April and I finally received my gift for him. I was 99% sure he would cry but we will see !

We finally arrived at the airport and it was the early morning. We were sitting on the waiting room and I was so tired that I was sitting on Tom's lap with my head on the crook of his neck, half asleep.

-Ok kids, I changed the program last minute, we are going camping in a jungle. Good news, we have a giant tent, bad news we forgot about the insects and don't have anything against them. Y/N any problem with that ? The others ?

At this moment, I was deep asleep. Tom shake me up a bit to wake me and I yawned. Wait what ? He repeated all the story.

-No, no, no, there is no way in hell I am celebrating my first serious relationship success in a jungle with a body covered on insects' bites.

-April fools.

-What? Are you kidding me right now ?

-You heard me.

I sighed and he laughed. A LOT. We finally boarded on plane and I slept all the way there. I was woken up by Tom kissing every part of my head he could reach. We walked there and the weather of Florida was really hot. We reached the house we rented and I went in bed immediately. But they refused so we just ate some cheeseburgers.

-Ok kids so here is the real program. We have Disney tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The 4th best day ever, we are staying here and doing a pool party just for us. After you choose the three other days for Disneyworld. We are here until the 20th so well we will find things to do at this moment but you have to tell me early because I just want my family so I can ask the parc to private it for us.

It really was a Downey thing. We agreed and we talked a lot. It finally was evening so we all said good night and went to bed. It was super-hot so it was complicated. I still wanted to cuddle Tom but I am sweating. A lot. (Hope you got this)

-Come here love

-No, I smell so bad... I am sweating way too much.

-Let's sweat together ?

-Huh okay !

He did the big spoon and it was disgusting even if one more time it was a proof of our real love.

The next two days :

The days at Disney were incredible ! I convinced my dad to let other people come to the park and we took VIP pass instead. Some fans came to ask for pictures but some understood we were in family and let us alone. We did a lot of attractions and I discovered that Tom was really afraid of roller coaster. I wanted to do every of them and Tom wouldn't let me go alone. Poor him ! So he can forgive me I bought him snacks and we did his favorite attraction : "small world". I swear this music will kill me soon. We bought souvenirs and we did a LOT of selfies. I was so fan of Tom playing with Avri, I understood at that moment that I could have kids with him but for God sake not now! We tasted some cotton candy and I discovered I had an addiction to it now. And finally, Tom and I did a lot of romantic photos and I couldn't wait to print them.

Finally we were the 4th. I felt a mix of stress and excitement for the gift. I already wanted to cry.

We all watched movies and eat cakes the afternoon and now that it was around 5 pm we all went to the indoor pool for a party. All the kids gave their presents and I waited for my turn.

Finally. I was the last person to give my gift. I was shaking. I gave him a paper. He raised an eyebrow, not understanding what was happening. He read it and I could see the tears falling on his cheeks.

-Is it real ?

I nodded, not able to talk or I would cry too.

"After a request of Y/N Evans, we are now able to officially make Robert Downey Jr. as her father on her American papers."

(I am not from there so I don't know how it works)

-Waw... And what is it ?

-My new identity cards.

He took it so I added :

-With my real name.

He looked me in the eyes and he was sobbing now so I began too.

-Come here. I am so proud that you are my daughter and that you let me a chance.

-I am glad I did, I love you dad.

He hugged me harder, crying more. Once again, I could say my life was perfect. If someone told me I would have a dad and a whole family a year ago, I would have made fun of them.

Words count : 905

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now