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We continued to film the movie and today was Robert's last day. I was sad but we promised each others to do more things together.

It was Tom and Robert doing a scene so I decided to stay in my room. I was drinking when I heard knocking. I opened the door to see an assistant. He told me that a lady wanted to see me to talk. I was going to come until I froze when he told me her name was Betty.

I tried to be normal and went where she was. Behind her was the set so I relaxed when I saw Tom. I arrived to her scared as fuck anyway.

-Hello Y/N.

-May I ask who you are ?

-You know who I am baby...

-Please don't call me that. I am super confused right now. So please, just tell me what you want and let me live my life again, like you did 18 years ago.

-Okay. It can be long to say but you have to listen me carefully.

-Ok go on.

-When you were born, my life couldn't welcome a baby. I mean that I was living in a horrible flat and that I saw a different man every night. Let's be honest, I didn't want to have a baby. I had to do a lot of tests to see which one was the father. I finally discovered it a week before you arrived.

-Ok but I don't see what I can do with that. I already knew that.

I watched behind her to see Tom looking here with a concerned look. Robert was drinking water a little far away. I smiled a bit at Tom so he could understand that he doesn't need to worry.

-Please listen to me before saying something.

I could still see that she had difficulties to talk. Even if I understood that it was a really hard conversation to have, I wasn't able to feel compassion for her.

-It might be shocking for you but I didn't really abandon you. I have a sister that you know, Emmy Evans.

I stopped in my tracks. Yes, Emmy Evans was the woman in the family I was in for years. Now I was really interested by the story that was mine.

-She is my sister. She said the truth to you she wasn't able to have kids so I gave you to her. It was way better for all of us.

-Better ? Did you know her husband was beating us ?


-Thank you for stopping it. Oh wait. You didn't do anything to help me or you sister against this son of a bitch ! Even tho I was your god damn daughter !

-She forbade me to see you ! I couldn't do anything about it...

-You could have called the police or the authorities because a child was in danger !

-The cops would have arrested me because I had done illegal things in my life too. I didn't want to go to jail !

-So you are a coward AND selfish ? I don't want to talk about it just tell me what my father said because you didn't tell earlier

-Just wait, I am coming to this part. Before thinking about Emmy, I thought about the father so when I finally found out I search him so we could talk. I told him everything but he was a drug addict and he was not really a good guy. He said that I should have think about abortion and that he never wanted to see me again.

-It is sad but again, what can I do about this information ?

-I tried to forget about this story until I saw you in the theater. I saw every movie and every tv shows you were in. Even if you were there only 10 seconds I would watch. Until I saw Iron Man. It disturbed me but I wasn't ready to talk to you about it. Until I received a mail from the father asking if it was me. It was about 8 or 9 months ago.

-I don't understand... You know my dad ? Who is he so ?

-Honey, your dad is right there with you almost everyday for a lot of time now...

-Who ?

-Robert Downey Jr.

She gave me the paper that proved it. My ears were ringing right now until I slowly blacked out. Everything was black and my knees felt weak. Until nothing.

Words count : 755

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now