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⚠️spoilers for Endgame

-Y/N ?

-Hi baby.

I felt so weird. What the fuck happened to me ? I saw Tom and tubes and dad. Doctors came in to take off some tubes.

-Miss Downey how do you feel ?

-Like I am super high.

-Ok, that is quite common. Do you remember what happened ?

I tried to think but I couldn't focus on a single thing. I blinked many times until dad said something.

-I am sorry doctor but could you come again later ? We all can see that she is tired and really confused. I can explain to her.

They nodded and left the room. I tried to focus by blinking again and again and again. I chose to focus on my body and wow, I had bruises everywhere. Oh no. Now I remember... the accident. I began to hyperventilate and it hurt like hell in my entire body. Tom ran to my side.

-Hey hey ! Focus on my voice. You have to calm down and slow your breathing. Please my love.

I breathed in and out. I tried to sit so I could put my forehead on Tom's but I groaned. He helped me to lay down again.

-No no no ! You are too fragile. Tell me what you wanna do I will help you.

-I want to be with you. I wanted to put my forehead on yours because I missed you like crazy.

He did it and we both cried a lot. Finally we were together again.

I almost forgot that dad was there. I took his hand in mine and he kissed it gently. He was crying too and I heard him repeat "thank you".

-Are you ready to hear the story ?

-Can you please tell everyone that I am fine and call Susan please.

He asked Tom to do it and we waited for him to come again. When he did I nodded, showing I was ready.

-Can you first tell me what is the last thing you remember ?

-I was in the car and I blacked out all of a sudden. I was on my way to see Tom after knowing what Rose admitted.

-That is correct. Rose's car crashed yours. She fled and we found proof that it was her who did it. She is now in jail so no worries about it no more. She is not even in our state. I received a call from the 911 because they found you unconscious in your car. Tom saw it ln TV and immediately came. You were in a coma and you lost a lot of blood. It's been a month munchkin. Apparently you just have bruises now even tho you will need a week of reeducation. We were there every time, we talked to you every day and it is a miracle you woke up. They wanted to unplug you tomorrow but life gave me another gift and here we are.

-I know you talked, I heard everything. Dad please don't blame yourself, it is no one's fault except Rose's. Glad this bitch had what she deserves. And Tom, I agree for your program. It seems exceptional.

-What program ???

-Nothing dad don't worry !

We all laughed and hugged again. Even tho I felt my world was dying before the accident I was so happy to be alive, it was a great gift.

Time skip :

I did my reeducation and even tho I still felt a bit weak, I was finally out of the hospital and back to our home with Tom. I felt so bad because they had to move the set for Endgame but we would finally begin to film just tomorrow. I couldn't wait about finally being there again.

Tom's parents came to visit us and helped us to program the trip for our first anniversary. Super ironic when we were thinking about the fact that we were doing it for our fourth.

Even tho I was excited to act again, I was glad that I wouldn't have to do too much scenes because I was still very tired. I just had three weeks of work.

Tom was such a sweetheart. He would make my food, cuddle me all day and picked me up bridal style every time I was feeling too tired to walk.

The next day :

Oh my... it felt so good to be there ! I was so happy to see everyone again and to meet the new cast members. I knew it would be hard to film because of the final of the movie but I was ready to give everything I could !

Time skip :

Today was our last day for Endgame. I discovered that they could film when I was in the hospital so I didn't make them late.

Today was THE scene that afraid me. Tony's death.

(Scene : I cried so much writing this)

Tony snapped and while some were cheering, Y/N was only searching for her dad. She finally found him and her world fell apart. She ran near him and her mom was telling him that he could rest now but Y/N didn't agree on this one.

-No dad, we just got together again so please don't leave me alone. I can't live my life without you. Who will congratulate me when I have a badass attitude ? Who will make all those machines with me ? I need someone to help me teaching Morgan, you have to be there when I will meet her. Please dad please.

Y/N was now sobbing. She was definitely not ready for this. She continued to beg until he finally answered.

-You'll be okay munch, I love you 3000.

And with that Tony Stark died. While the others were kneeling in respect. Y/N walked a little away from the others. She was feeling her powers overwhelming her, she had to let them out and she did. She screamed and fell on the ground. When it was finished, Peter ran to her side crying too, Y/N felt like she would never be able to stop. Her heart stopped and she pinched herself multiple times, checking that it was real. Her mom came to her.

-No, no stop my sweetie, it is useless.

-Yes it is I have to wake up from this.

-It is real Y/N.

She kept screaming until her voice left her body too.

We wrapped the scene and I was crying hard. It felt so real ! There was no cast member that wasn't crying. I stood up and went in my room excusing myself but I needed time alone.

After ten minutes, I came back to set and wrapped the movie. It is official, phase 3 is over.

Words count : 1131

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now