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The next morning I was still super excited about the movie but also super stressed because I had a bigger role on this movie. We had a meeting with the entire team tomorrow and I couldn't wait to know who would play the bad guy.

The day before this big meeting, Tom and I decided to choose which flat we would live in.

-Listen Tom, mine is really good.

-Yeah but mine is bigger.

-Too big for only two persons tho. Or we could simply buy a new one.

-If you really wish but I would prefer to keep one of ours. Plus you said some times that you didn't really like yours.

-You are right, I prefer yours but it is just that you know it was the first thing I did for MY own good. It was the first place that welcomed me without anyone to beat me or to steal me. It has an important place in my heart. And it still hurts to remember all I had to do to find it so I want to stay in a little bit more.

-But love don't you think it could help you to let it go ? You associate this flat to all the bad memories.

I told Tom my story at the beginning of our relationship. I didn't want any secrets between us and he understood really well. I thought about what he said and even tho it hurt a little I think he is right.

-Let's pack my stuff.

-What ? Like now ? You sure ?

-If we don't do that now I will change my mind.

We began to pack the things I could need and we did some boxes for charity associations. I can't explain how but I was relieved to pack everything even tho I wouldn't move until at least one or two weeks. I found an old box and inside was all the things of when I was a baby. The little blanket, the clothes and the letter... I read it again.

"My Y/N,

First of all I am so sorry of what you are going through right after you're born. I didn't have a choice.
I don't want to tell you about my life, the only thing you have to know is that I have a life that can't welcome a baby.
How can I raise you when I had to pass multiple test just to know who your dad is ?
I talked to him. He doesn't want a baby, even less with a woman like me.
I don't have other solution than to let you. I hope you can find love in your family and in your future.
Maybe our paths will cross again.


-You never wanted to find one of them again ?

-Of course I want to. But you can read in this that they both didn't want me so I can't just go like "Hi ! I am your daughter, you know the one you abandoned. Can we be family again ?".

-You could still try to find them if you want to.

I closed the box without a second thought. Maybe I would maybe I wouldn't, I have to think about this.

Words count : 541

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now