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One month later :

I was still in pure shock but everyone was so happy for me. The ceremony was tonight but I was sure I wouldn't win but I was still excited.

For this occasion, I decided to buy a new fancy dress. I am not sure Tom appreciated the dress shopping day but he smiled anyway, how in love I was with this man...

Even after all those years, Gwen and Olivia were still working on my face and hair. They became great friends and their hands really do magic. They prepared my hair with a messy professional bun, I know it makes no sense but that is how we call it when she does a not so perfect bun. And the other did a light make up.

I went downstairs and waited for Tom.

-Tom, love, the car is here ! Hurry !

-Coming ! Oh waw ! Aren't you beautiful Mrs. Holland ?

-I think I will never get tired of this surname...

-You better because you will never get rid of it !

We kissed and we heard another noise, the car was still waiting for us. We hopped in and the car drove. Even after all this time, I was still nervous in a car. Tom noticed and took my hand in his.

-Hey, hey ! Everything alright ?

-Yeah, still a bit nervous in a car you know.

-Yes I know but everything is gonna be just alright ok ? I am there with you and there is a trust person driving us. And if something happens I will do everything that I can to protect you, even if I have to die for this.

-Oh no ! If you die to protect me I will resurrect you and kill you again !

We laughed and we arrived at the ceremony. I spotted dad and we went to see him even tho he was with a journalist.

-Oh there she is, my beautiful daughter. Isn't she ?

We hugged and the journalist ask some questions. He finished and we walked where the ceremony was. I crossed arms with dad on the right side and Tom on the left side. I really hoped someone would take a photo of this.

-But dad what are you doing here ?

-Well I represent Team Downey tonight and I will be the one that announces the best actress.

He winked and walked where he was supposed to sit. I sat with Tom and we intertwined our fingers.

The ceremony was really long until it was the best actor and the best actress. My category was the last one and I was extremely nervous even tho I was sure that I wouldn't win.

-And to present the best actress, Robert Downey Jr. !

-Alright, alright. I am so honored to be there today you can't even imagine. I won't do a long speech because well I am bad at it so I will just say that the nominated are 4 really talented women but they are way more than that, they are exceptional. Never doubt that. So, the nominated are... Michelle Williams, Charlize Theron, Y/N Downey and Viola Davis. I will not make you wait any longer.

He opened the envelop and he laughed, we could even see some tears on his eyes.

-The actress that wins the Oscar of the best actress this year is Y/N Downey.

I put my head on my hands, crying. Is it real ? I saw Tom dancing beside me and I stood. I hugged him and went on the stage. I hugged dad so hard that it hurt.

-I am so proud of you my love.

-Thank you, dad.

He gave me the price and I did a little speech.

-Waw it is so crazy to be here tonight. I didn't prepare anything I was sure I would lose. Hum... okay so I want to thank a lot of people tonight. After all I've been through in my life I would have never expected to be here for a really important price. I will first thank the shitty family I was in for my childhood, you did nothing for me but at least I have emotions to pass through my acting, I wanted to thank my incredible dad for everything and oh... Thank you Tom, without you nothing would be possible. So please I want a standing ovation for the two men of my life. I love you 3000.

We did party a lot that night at home. I invited some friends and family for this. I wanted to put the price in a box but Tom put it on the main room of our place, he was so proud.

Five years have passed with Tom, we went through a lot but that didn't stop us. We did movies together, I almost died, we had our wedding and now the Oscar. I was ready for the next step but I didn't know if he was so I was a bit nervous to ask him. Every friend or family member went home and I decided to talk about it the next morning. We went to sleep and like every night with him, I slept really well.

The next morning :

We were sipping our coffees when I remembered that I had to talk with Tom about something.

-Tom, can we talk please ?

-Of course love, what is it.

-Do you remember all the program you said to me while I was in a coma ? Well I am ready for the next step of it.

-Wait... Are you serious ? Because please don't laugh with that. I am waiting for this moment for two years now.

-I am serious Tom.

-Oh please say it just so I am sure.

-I am ready for a baby. I am ready for our chaos love.

He smiled so much I wondered if it hurt him. He picked me up and began to run.

-Tom what are you doing ?

-We have a mission love. Let's try this !

-Right now ?!

-Yeah ! Let's have a baby !

We laughed and kissed. How excited I was for this. If you told me 5 years ago that I would want a baby so bad with the love of my life, I would have never believed you.

Words count : 1062

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now