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Two months later :

I was still day dreaming when I thought about the fact that I will be Mrs. Holland in two weeks.

When Tom showed me what he prepared for the wedding and he even did a PowerPoint presentation for it ! I laughed so much when I saw all this but it was also so cute ! We didn't change a single thing. I loved everything he chose and it just proved me one more time that he was my soulmate.

Today, I was going to find my dress. I was going with Avri, Zendaya, Scarlett, Elizabeth and Susan. The last one cried when I asked her to come with me :

-Susan Can I talk to you for a minute ?

-Yes of course my sweetheart !

-I want you to come with me to find my wedding dress if you agree with this of course !

-Oh my goodness... Of course I will come with you ! It is such an honor !

-Also... You know you really are my true mother figure so I was wondering if it was bothering you if I called you mom ?

-Oh ! Of course not ! You are my daughter too Y/N. Oh sorry I am going to cry now.

We both cried in each others' arms for a few minutes after this conversation.

Here we were on a cute little shop to choose the dress for my big day. I felt really nervous and I decided to call Nikki by facetime, I wanted her to be there too.

-Hello miss. How can I help you ?

-Hi, I have my wedding in two weeks and I came here for my dress.

-Wait... Are you Y/N Downey ?

-Yes I am haha. Can we please have a private place ? I love my fans and doing photos etc. but...

-Of course miss ! I totally understand. Come with me...

She led us to a room for the private clients and she gave seats to all the girls.

-Ok miss, what type of dress are you searching for ?

I described what I wanted and she nodded. She left the room and came back 15 minutes later with four dresses.

(I didn't write any description so you could imagine the one you want).

-So I took this two dressed that perfectly match what you want. But don't worry, if after trying them you want another I will go.

-Thank you so much. Can I try this one first ?

-Of course ! Come with me please.

She helped me put it on and I left the little room to show the others. They all gasped when they saw me and Nikki was even crying on the screen.

-What do you all think ?

-You look like a princess Y/N !

Avri had stars in her eyes and I could see that she wasn't lying at all. She ran towards me and we hugged. The others loved it but for me it missed something.

-Well I love it but I don't feel like it is the one if you know what I mean. Can I try the second one please ?

-Yes no problem, come with me again please I will help you to change.

I followed her and once again the others gasped. Except Susan that said that it wasn't the best because it didn't fit me well. I agreed with her and tried the third one. I left the tiny room and now all the stars had little tears. Me too to be honest.

-Oh my god Y/N...

-I know. I think it is the one. Actually, I don't think, I know it is. Waw...

I tried to dry the tears but it was complicated. I changed in my normal clothes again and I bought it.

-Ok guys before we leave, we have your dresses to find.

-What for ?

-Well Avri will be the one to give us the rings, Eli, Z and Scarlett will be my maid of honors. If they agree of course.

They all hugged me saying yes but I didn't finish what I said.

-And for mom and Nikki, you can choose the dress you want, don't look at the price, just the one you love most and I will buy them. I am so sorry you can't be with us Nikki but just go to your favorite store, you tell me what you need and I will give you. She thanked me and all of the girls were looking for the dresses.

-Scarlett, Eli, Z. The only thing I ask is that you three have the same dress. But you choose together, no matter the color or the form. Mom you choose your favorite and I will be with Avri.

I let the others choosing and I stayed with Avri.

-What do you want to look like Avri ?

-Like a princess ! Just like you Y/N.

-Ok but which one do you want to be ?

-Maybe like Belle.

-I have a better idea. What if... you created your own princess ?

-What do you mean ?

-You can be Princess Avri Downey.

-I can be a princess ?

-Yes you can sweetie !

She jumped of joy and we began to search for one. She tried plenty until she found a beautiful pale pink one. She ran in the shop searching for her mom and the others.

-Look Zendaya, I am a princess !

She called Scarlett and Eli and they all bowed before the princess Avri. She laughed really hard and her mom did the same.

She decided to take this one and everyone chose what they wanted. To finish this beautiful day, we went to eat an ice cream and went home to watch a movie. Tom wasn't there today so we could watch what we wanted. We decided to watch The Beauty And The Beast for Avri and for us to sing.

Avri sat between my legs and fell asleep with her little head on my belly. The girls went home but I asked Susan if my sister could stay. She agreed and I took Avri to one of the spare rooms. Little did I know that Tom came home and watched me put her on the bed.

I saw him and we walked to the sofa after closing her door.

-Did you find your dress ?

-Yes I found it.

-I can't wait to see it.

-Me neither. Did you have fun to find your costume ?

-Yes but it is basic. You know how the men always dress the same for this.

We laughed and we cuddled on the sofa until we went to sleep on our bed.

Words count : 1125

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now