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One month later :

I was now in my seven month and I was still a little bit concerned about the Frank and Betty thing. Tom said it was over because it has been a month but I wasn't so sure about it, and I was right.

I received a call by a lawyer saying that I could have the 30 000$ because Betty stopped asking for them, she and George were now in a little city in United States.

When Tom came home from work earlier than expected, I told him we needed to talk about a little something but he said he had something to tell me too.

-Go first Tom.

-They fired me.

-Excuse me what ?

-They said I was perfect for the role and when we did some scenes today they said they heard things about me they didn't like but I don't know what...

-Maybe if we go on the internet we can find something.

He nodded and we took the computer. I typed "Tom Holland news" and I gasped. There were tons of articles. I clicked on one and I was shocked by what I read out loud.

"Tom Holland, star of Marvel and many movies, is facing a big drama right now. A close source of Y/N Downey told us the real story about the accident she had some years ago. She will remain anonymous but this is what she said "Tom was really toxic to Y/N and one day she caught him cheating. When she disagreed on talking with him, he did everything to make her life a nightmare. When she tried to officially break up with him, he paid someone to try to kill her. That is when she had her accident. He then threats her to stay with him or he would try again. We even saw some bruises on her sometimes again." Is Tom Holland really the angel he seems to be ?"

-I am so screwed.

-Love it isn't true so you are not. I will do everything I can to prove this is false.

-How can you still call me love when you just read those horrible things ?

-I am your wife and I know the truth.

-I love you so much...

-I love you.

Tom went to bed, he really needed some rest. All night long, I contacted every news I could find to tell them it was not true and I sent them the proves.

When Tom woke up, I asked him if he was okay with me doing an Instagram live to explain everything. He said yes and he went to his parents for baby shopping.

I started the live and I started to talk.

-Hello guys, I think we all know why I am doing a live right now. The articles came out and things were said. It is really time for me to tell the truth. Tom never did a single bad thing to me and I think it is so sad that people are stupid enough to create a story like this. When Tom was there, I thought he cheated with a woman named Rose. I didn't talk to him for some months. When I discovered he didn't cheat at all, I went to talk to him and that is when the accident happened. You know who did it ? The Rose. The proof is that she is in jail right now. And for the bruises, if you look right, every Marvel cast member who does their own stunts have them. It may look like it is nothing but it takes a lot of work and mistakes to do it. So yes we have bruises. If you knew the public me a little bit you would know I am a feminist and that I do everything to help woman in bad situations so do you really think I would have stay if a man beat me ? I already lived it as a kid, I learnt how to protect myself. Now this is a message for the person who said that, I am sure you are there. I don't know what happened in your life for you to be so bored but if I can give you a piece of advice... Go see a therapist.

I stayed on live some more time to answer some questions and ended it to do a nap.

When I woke up, I had a blanket on and my head was not on a pillow anymore. Tom came home and put my head on his lap.

-Hello darling.

-Hi. Did you see the live ?

-No but I read things about it. You did a really great job. Thank you.

-You would have done the same for me.

He kissed me and he went to cook some left overs. After we ate, he showed me some things he bought for the baby and we decided to watch a movie together. Next week dad would arrive and I will be in the eighth month.

Tom still had a lot of hate so we took a decision. We decided to take a break from everything, acting, social medias, everything ! We wanted to not stress too much when Estelle would be there. We wanted to be there during the important steps of her life.

We found out it was Betty and George who said those things about Tom. They contacted us saying it was the beginning but we already give their names to the police so it was just a matter of time before they would be arrested for harassment.

Time skip :

Tom went to the airport to pick up all the family. I was too tired to come with him. Finally the kids didn't come, it was only Susan and Robert, Indio wanted to take them on vacation so I said it was okay. Mom and dad would stay on one of our spare rooms.

I heard the door and I wanted to stand up but well...

-Tom can you help me stand up so I can hug my parents ?

-No, no Y/N ! Stay on the sofa. I know what it feels like...

-Thank you. Dad are you crying again ?!

-No ! Just a dust in my eye.

He came to hug me and we all talked a lot about the baby. We told them the name and showed them the room. It was becoming more real every minute and I loved it.

Words count : 1083

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now