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One year later :

What a crazy year we had ! Tom and I were still really close even tho we were super busy.

Tom and I filmed the new Spiderman, then we filmed Cherry and let's say it was one of the most difficult role I had to do but I was pretty proud of our work. We thought it was over and could have some rest until Tom received a "yes" for The Chaos Walking.

-Oh my ! Tom you have it ! I am so proud of you mon amour.

-As much as I wanted it, I wished we could have some rest. Some alone time together.

-I know... At least I have nothing at this moment so I can come with you.

-Well I am not so sure of it.

-What ?

-We just received a box for you. And I love it even more because they wrote "Y/N Holland"

-I should open it. But I don't remember auditioning for a role.

-It is Marvel Darling.

I opened it really confused and I gasped when I understood what it was.

-Holy shit...

-Everything alright ?!

-Tom... They are doing a movie just on Y/N Stark.

He jumped in the air and did a little victory dance. We read the thing and he has to do some scenes but not a lot of things so he would do it before going to film his movie.

Time skip :

Tom already did his scenes with me for my movie so he was gone. We facetimed every day and I felt nervous so I decided to tell him once.


-Yes my love ?

-I am afraid.

-Afraid of what ?

-Do you remember what happened last time we were not together for work ?

-Yes I do... She is in jail Y/N nothing will happen. Listen I am so sorry but I have to go. I call you again when I have a break okay ? Remember that I love you and that everything will be fine.

-I love you too...

During the time Tom was away, he asked Robert to let me sleep in my room in their house. He didn't want me to be alone after all the things that happened.

With that, my movie was really difficult to film, Y/N Stark was so depressed, she went through way more than the actress. She was fighting against the bad guy and her demons. I was so involved in the role that I was myself really sad every time. Dad was really worried but he couldn't do anything about it. Tom and I would finish in a month so we just had to wait.

One month later :

Here it is. I finished filming yesterday and I felt so relieved. Now I am currently waiting for Tom's plane to arrive. God it was long ! Until I saw brown curls that I knew by heart. He saw me too and we ran in each other's arms. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his hips. Finally my lover came back.

-Oh how I missed you darling.

-I missed you too.

My feet touched the ground again but I wouldn't let his hand go. We went on my car and we drove home. It was already the night so we decided to just shower and go to bed.

I was in my underwear and looking in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw.

-Tom, I should lose some weight.

-What ?! Why ?

-Because I look like an elephant right now and it is not pretty.

-Cut the crap. You know it is not true. You are beautiful like this.

-Maybe but I weight too much.

-Do you know how many you have to weight when you have your height ? You are under the limit. You are skinny with some curves.

-It is too much.

-Who told you this ?

-When I was still with my first family, the woman told me that if I kept ten under the limit it was the most I could do. And I am 7 under the limit so it is too much.

-Hey, hey ! Not true. How do you feel right now in your body ?

-I feel great. For once I accept it.

-So you don't touch it.

-But how do you feel about it ? I am your wife so you have to like my body.

-Waw, that is some pretty bullshit again. It is YOUR body, not mine and I will love it no matter how it is. Love please if you ever feel like you are less than perfect, remember that you are perfect to me no matter what.

I kissed him and we went to bed. We cuddled all night and it was the best night we had since he was gone. It was difficult to live away from each other.

The next morning I was still sleeping but Tom was downstairs. I felt so good until I heard Tom opening the door. I knew it was nothing but I decided to go downstairs anyway. I put one of his sweaters and left the bedroom.

-Good morning Darling, today's program is me going to the post office, you staying at home and us eating ice cream with a movie for our ice cream day.

It was one thing we did each morning since the wedding. The first that wakes up say the program of the day to the other when they wake up.

-Ok love. Why are you going to the post office ?

-You received an official paper but we were still at the airport when they came so it is at the post office.

-Do you want me to go ?

-No don't worry you just relax and do what you like okay ?

-He told you, didn't he ? That I was too much involved in the role and that I was sad ?

-Yes he did so I am worried about you. But you know the movie had a giant success on theaters. So relax okay ?

I nodded and he left. He came back twenty minutes later and I could hear him repeat "Oh my god" without stopping.

-What is happening Tom ?

-Y/N... the official paper is from the Oscars.

-Haha really funny. What is it ?

-Y/N I am not joking.

I took it and he was right. My body began to shiver. I opened it and read what I really think I would never read in my entire life.

"We, team of the Oscars, have the pleasure to announce that Y/N Holland is nominated for the Oscar of the best actress."

Words count : 1117

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now