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Ps : I wanted to thank the kind reader that vote on every new chapter I am posting. I hope they will recognize themselves. Thank you it means so much to me ❤

One year later

After the broken ribs I took a well-deserved big break and finally finished filming The Greatest Showman after it. They were both great successes and I was even nominated for a price for my role in The Greatest Showman, I unfortunately didn't win but was okay with that. Maybe another day who know ? We were now in 2018 and I was wondering if Tom was going to propose one day... we didn't do our one anniversary trip yet with all the movies we had to do and we planned to do it after all the Endgame stuff.

We will have to film Endgame soon and let's say I wasn't ready at all. I knew that as it was the end of phase 3, it could be the end of Y/N Stark as well.

We were now eating dinner with some friends and I was talking with Harrison while Tom was not there yet. He was going to pick up Sam, that came here to work in a big restaurant for some months.

-Oh I forgot. I heard about the new movie Tom will be in.

-Yeah I am so, so proud of him. A title like "The devil all the time" or something like that.

-Yeah he told me about it. Even tho I am happy for him I wanted to make sure that you were okay.

-Yeah why would I not be?

-He didn't tell you did he ?

-Tell me what ?

-Gosh I am sorry that I am the one to tell you this but you know the character has a girl in this ? Well the woman that will play her is Tom's ex, Rose Herbour. (I created a name because I didn't want to take a real actress)

Of course he didn't tell me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I already heard about this Rose. She cheated on Tom and hurt him a lot by her possessive attitude. At this moment I heard the door open and saw Tom and Sam. I greeted Sam but when Tom arrived near me I ignored him and went outside.

-Hey darling what's wrong ?

-Don't darling me ! Why didn't you tell me about Rose ?!

-Damn it Harrison. I was gonna tell you.

-Don't blame him ! You should blame you in the first place !

-Hey ! I didn't say anything when you had to kiss Zac Efron for a movie.

-Oh no ! There are two differences ! First, Zac was not my ex that I had difficulties to moved on and that had a behavior issue. Second, I told you right when I knew it asking if you were okay with it. You said it was part of the job. So why didn't you tell me ? You know I was going to say the same thing ! For how long do you know ?

-A month...

-A month ?! Okay I am done.

-Where are you going ? You can't run away every time we have a problem.

-At my dad's. You know I will forgive you but I need time to think about it. And you should be aware of what you are saying about me running away. One day, I will do it and never come back again.

He let me go with a shock expression on his face.

The next day :

I woke up and I had many voicemails from Tom. Saying that he was sorry and that I have to know that she meant nothing to him and that I was the only one and will always be etc. I decided that I maybe overreacted so I went home and we made love as a pardon.

-I am still sorry.

-It is okay but next time please tell me about it. You know I won't be mad it is part of the job. As long as it is just professional I don't care. But please don't let her control you again because I really can't lose you.

-I promise you, you will never lose me.

We kissed and we fell asleep right after we took a warm shower.

Time skip :

Tom went to Alabama three months ago and I felt really alone even tho I was busy every day. I played in some shows and I even did some cameos as myself it was incredible !

Even tho we were facetiming every day, I wanted to see Tom so bad that I booked tickets to go to see him.

I knew Sebastian was playing in too so I called him to know which hotel they were in. He told me and I went at the reception. I asked for the room and they gave me the number after I could prove my identity, after all they have to make sure that the actors won't be in danger.

I took the elevator and was super excited. I finally arrived and the door was open so I went in without knocking.

I saw him stretching shirtless and my whole world fell apart when I saw Rose on the bed beside him, naked too.

He saw me and I began to run.

Words count : 902

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now