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It was the last month of pregnancy and I couldn't do a lot of things except staying sit on the sofa.

Tom and dad were running everywhere for last minute things and mom was staying with me in case something would happen.

For once we were all at home, with Tom's family. Nikki did some more photos, the last and we ate while talking. Dad excused himself because he had a call.

-Y/N, it is for you.

I stood with difficulties but arrived at the phone anyway.

-Hello ?

-Are you Y/N Downey ?


-I am detective Bane. If we are calling you today, it is because some neighbors called to say there was a lot of noise at your place.

-That is not possible. I am in London with my husband and family since October and I am staying there for some more months.

-Yes that is what your father told me. We went there and we are sad to tell you someone broke into your house.

-Excuse me what ?!

-Yes. We came there and we saw that things were broken. Your child's room is completely destroyed. Do you know if someone would do this to you ?

-Actually yes, my biological mother. She abandoned me when I was a baby and she did bad things to my family. Well I refused to help her to free the guy who abused me as a child so now they are doing this. They already tried to ruin my husband's career.

-Do they go by the name of Betty and George ?

-Yes exactly.

-We arrested them yesterday. They were trying to broke into other houses. They will go in jail in a week after the judgement. You can sleep in peace. And for your house I am so sorry and I hope you can find a solution soon. I will send you the photos if you want to. Can I have an email address ?

I gave her one and she sent me everything. I showed everyone and Susan said she would go there to fix everything. We called some friends there and they would help too. With my pregnancy like this, I can't travel this distance...

Two weeks later :

My due was in two weeks and I was wondering if Estelle would arrive before, during or after. My doctor thought it would be after the due, she said it was really rare that a baby arrived at the real due but who knows ? We already had a not so common life so why not arriving the day of the due ?

Susan was gone and I was glad we were in London with Tom's family. I loved the boys but having a woman that knows how it works was really necessary.

Tom and I were alone at this moment and I was laying between Tom's legs. Like usual, he had his hands on my giant belly. Until he decided to change positions. He loved to talk to our baby girl.

-Y/N can I talk to her ?

-Of course. Wait a second.

He helped me lay down on the sofa and he sat on the floor. His head on my big baby bump.

-Hello Estelle, it is your dad here.

-She knows who you are.

-Really ?

-Yes love, she recognizes your voice. She kicks more when you talk. Look.

Just as I said that he saw she was kicking wherever he decided to put his hand.

-Oh Stellar I can't wait for you to be there.

-Is it the nickname you chose for her ?

-You never heard me using it ?

-Nope but I love it.

-Love I use it every time I am talking to her. Are you becoming a Dory mama already ?

-Dory ?

-Like the fish in Finding Nemo.

-Rude !!!

-I am joking my true love. Come here.

We kissed and I stayed in his arms for some more time until I had a pain in my stomach.

-Everything alright ?

-I think so. Oh my what is it...

-Do we need to go to the hospital ?

-No, I don't think so, the doctor said she would come after the due.

-Love I won't let you like this come on.

We went into the car, Tom took the baby bag just in case but I was sure she wasn't coming.

We arrived and the doctor immediately came.

-Mrs. Holland, what is happening for you to come today ?

-I had a pain in my stomach, it looks like contractions but I am sure it is not that.

-Turns out you have not real contractions.

-Wait... what ?

-It is happening with every pregnancy, you don't have to worry. I am still sure that she will come after due. I will give you some breathing exercises so it doesn't hurt you too much. Mr. Holland please listen carefully because you can help in some.

She showed us and we exit the hospital. It was such a disappointment when we saw paparazzi waiting for us. Some hospital security guards came to help me and Tom told all of them to go away that it was none of their business. I thanked the guards and we went into the car.

-Are you alright love ?

-Yes Y/N and you ?

-Yes, I almost forgot about them.

-Me too...

-Let's go home and take some ice creams ?

-Oh my yes please !

-Vanilla I presume ?

-YES !

During my pregnancy, I was craving vanilla ice cream and Tom thanked whatever he could my cravings were not chips with Nutella or things like that.

Time skip to 31st December :

We passed Christmas with nothing, I still had not real contractions but Tom was really helpful with them.

Susan was still in our flat in America and they almost finished fixing everything. After that, her, Zendaya and Eli would come here, like in few days.

It was the day of the due and we were a bit nervous about that day. I had same not real contractions but nothing else. Dad, tom's parents and siblings, Harrison and his new girlfriend (He finally broke up with the other bitch) were there for New Year's Eve.

Everyone was arguing about the game we were playing when I finally stopped arguing, feeling a really weird feeling on my bottom. Dad stopped shouting too and looked at me, concerned.

-Y/N ? Are you okay ?


-EVERYBODY SHUT UP ! Y/N what is happening munchkin ?

-I think my water broke.

Words count : 1098

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now