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Five months have passed now and for once, I was so grateful to say that everything was fine in my life. Tom was wonderful and we saw each others every day.

The only cloud in my blue sky was the rumors. Since Tom and I are dating a lot of news websites were talking about us. Even tho it was true, we decided we wouldn't go public until the premiere of Civil war which was in a month.

-Tom... we have another one...

-I saw it love. We can't do anything about it can we ?

-No but I am tired of it...

He stopped in his tracks and came near me. He kissed my cheek and hugged me saying everything will be alright and that in a month it will be easier because we would make it official.

-I know you are right... Can we watch a movie and cuddle ?

-Yes of course.

We chose a movie and I put my head on Tom's chest. When we were at the middle of the movie, my phone rang and I wasn't expect who was calling.


I looked at Tom and he nodded so I could understand that is was okay if I picked up. I decided to do it even tho I didn't want to.

-Hi Y/N.


-Listen I know it is complicated for the moment and that we.

-No we, you.

-Ok... that I was really rude to you but I was wondering if we could go out to talk a bit. You know I miss my fictional daughter.

-Yeah that is okay. I am sorry for being so dramatic anyway.

-No problem, I understand to be honest. Let's say tomorrow morning ? On me. At my place ? We can go catch a Starbucks and drink in my car so we don't have paparazzi.

-Ok, thanks. Bye.

I hung up and explained to Tom. I asked if it was okay to go the morning. I said yes without even thinking about it. We continued the movie and at the end of it Tom refused to let me drive home because I was too tired but I didn't know what to do.

-Tom this is the first time we would sleep on the same bed wouldn't it be weird ?

-No you slept here before.

-Yeah but it wasn't on purpose. Plus we were not together yet so it is different.

-Touché. Anyways I can see you are tired so you won't drive.

I was going to talk back but I yawned. Tom took me in his arms. We went on his bed and he gave me a shirt as a pajama. He went out to let me some private time. I called him and he came back shirtless. I noticed I was staring after he laughed.

-You like what you're seeing love ?

-Wha- No ! I mean yeah but no ! Argh.

I put my head on my hands because I was blushing.

-Do you want me to wear a shirt ?

-No, no worries I am just embarassing !

-You're not embarassing, you're adorable. Plus I really think you should wear my clothes more. Dang, you look so good in it

He kissed me and went in the bathroom. When he came back, I still didn't know how it worked so when he entered the bed I just went on the opposite side without disturbing. I was going to close my eyes when I heard:

-Uh uh. Not gonna work.

I suddenly felt that he was pulling me towards him. He put his arm around my waist and kissed me down my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck and it sent shivers down my spine.

The next morning :

I woke up and I was alone in Tom's bed. I checked my phone to see it was 8 a.m and I still had 1 hour to go to Robert's. I went downstairs to see Tom preparing some bacon. He was dancing a bit and I found it adorable so I decided to say something to show that I was there :

-Morning love. I like your moves.

He jumped and blushed a little. He quickly prepared the plates and came to me while I was laughing. He leaned to kiss me but I put my hand on his mouth.

-Not before I brushed my teeth. I don't want you to break up with me because of my morning breath.

-Funny. You're kidding right ?

-No. Not at all.

-Come here !

He began to run and we were laughing like kids. He took my waist and kissed me everywhere. It was like tickles. I laughed harder and he turned me in order to kiss me.

-You were right... You have a bad breath.

I punched him on the shoulder and we ate some bacons. I took a shower, (finally) brushed my teeth and headed to my car after kissing Tom goodbye. I arrived at Robert's and went in his car. The road was silent until we arrived at Starbucks, he ordered (knowing my favorite by heart) and we stayed in the parking lot. Both waiting for the other to talk.

-Okay Y/N, I'll go first. I am sorry for reacting like that and never explained. It just reminded me of a hard time in my life that I wanted to forget.

-I understand that but what are you talking about ? If you told me it would be easier.

-18 years ago, my best friend was a really weird guy. He hooked up with a different woman every day and eventually one of them got pregnant. He saw this as an opportunity to be a better man but the woman died and the baby too. After he knew, he couldn't bear the pain and killed himself.

-Waw... I am so sorry I overreacted on something like that.

-It is okay you didn't know. So... Are we good now ?

-Yeah we are.

We hugged and I could feel that his embrace was different than the others we had but not knowing why.

Words count : 1023

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now