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I was still on my sixth month and we enjoyed the adventure a lot. We had a pool where we had our place in London and there was a big sun even if we were already in September. At the beginning it was really difficult to wear a bikini, I felt so fat ! But Tom comforted me saying beautiful things to me.

-Toooooommm !

-Yes love ?

-Can you come please ?

I heard some footsteps and I was crying so it became faster with the sound of my sobs.

-Hey, hey ! What's wrong ?

-I can't attach my bikini...

-Is this why you are crying ?

-Yes ! And don't you dare judge me ! You are not the one who looks like an elephant.

-You don't look like an elephant, you are just going through the most beautiful thing in the world. Let me help you now.

He tried to do it but he couldn't so I began to cry more. I took it off and his eyes widened.

-Ok now I understand why you can't.

-What ?

-Look at your boobs.

-Oh my gosh ! Why are they bigger than before ?!

-It is because of the breast milk, nothing to worry about. And you are crying because the hormones are making you do it, remember the four sentences ?

-Yes but can we say them again ?

-Of course. First one ?

-You won't leave me. We are in love and we are making our dream come true.

-Second one ?

-I am not fat and my body is still beautiful. I am pregnant, it is normal to have a big belly and big boobs.

-Third one ?

-Hormones are making me angry or sad. I have to think about things twice before feeling so bad.

-And the most important one ?

-Pregnancy is a wonderful adventure. We have to enjoy it while we can.

He kissed me after congratulating me and he went to find another top. He found a bigger one and helped me to put it on. After that he put his head on mine and his hands on my belly.

Later that day :

We were now with clothes because it was a little bit cold for us to stay on the pool. Nikki prepared us our favorite meal and I went to the Holland's house to get it. Tom was still home waiting for me so I didn't stay long.

When I arrived there, there was a car that I didn't know and I was really confused. I wanted to open but Tom came first.

-Y/N, your mom is here.

-What ? She told me she would come in two months with dad and the kids.

-No, Betty is here.

-Wait... How ?!

-I don't know ! Come we will talk to her.

We came into the room and I saw her on the sofa with a tissue, she had been crying for sure. When she saw me, she gasped.

-So it was true... I am going to be a grand-mother !

-Excuse me ?

-You are pregnant.

-Oh I didn't know, shit ! What are you doing here ?

-Can't I just have the right to come to see my beautiful daughter and to ask about my future grandchild.

-You lost that right the day you thought it was better that your daughter got beaten up than helping her, taking a risk of having problems with justice.

-I thought you would be the one understanding...

-Can you imagine what your sister and me went through ? I still have scars !

-She died a year and a half ago.

-What ?

-My brother in law beat her too much, she lost way too much blood, she died quickly.

-Why didn't she go away ? I sent her 10 000 $ per year for three years. So 30 000 $. How did she use it ?

-That is why I am here.

-I am listening.

-She saved it and now I need it. The lawyers can't give it to George because he is in jail now. But I need this money to pay his caution so we can start a new chapter in our lives.

-Why using "we" ?

-We both fell in love with each other some years ago. I know he killed my sister but I still love him.

-You want an advice ? Don't even dream about the color of this money because you will never see the color of it. I'd rather give it to the hospital, not for the person who killed my first mother figure.

-He won't be happy with your answer Y/N...

-I don't fucking care ! You don't deserve this, win it by your own ways.

-Ok we will, but don't forget Y/N, when he will be free, there will be consequences, I honestly thought you would finally print it in your mind now...

-Get out of my house ! I never want to see you again.

She winked and left. How can a woman can become this psychopath ?! I talked with Tom to ask for his opinion, knowing he would say it even when he knew I wouldn't like it. He agreed with me and thought it was a pretty good idea to give this money to a hospital. He even proposed to give it to the hospital where our daughter will born.

-Talking about daughter love...

-Yes ?

-I found a name that I think would fit perfectly.

-Is it on our list ?

-No but it is so sweet. The signification means "star" and somehow "beautiful". It is really soft and I don't think we know any girl name like that to be honest. It is exactly what we wanted, a soft one and we know nobody called like that.

-Waw it sems like the perfect name. I can't wait no more ! What is it ?

He told me the name and he was right, it was wonderful. We understood it was the one so we quickly got the paint to write it on her future door.

We did it and Tom and I both had little tears in our eyes. Oh... how I couldn't wait for you to be there...

Estelle Holland

Words count : 1075

Ps : if Estelle is your name I am so sorry for this ! Please feel free to change the name while you read this story :-)

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now