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I stayed like that, capturing the moment in my mind. Was it really happening to me ? Was I this lucky ? Gosh Y/N say something !

-Y/N are you okay ?


-Ok great so wi-

-No Tom I meant yes I will marry you !

He stood up and took the ring out of the box, putting it on my finger. We kissed and I felt that we were both crying of joy. I thought we were the only humans on earth at this moment but I heard everyone cheering.

-Oh my goodness ! I forgot you guys ! You knew it all didn't you ?!

They all said yes and I finally understood why they were all acting weird towards me but I honestly couldn't care less, I was too happy to think about this again.

I showed the girls my ring while Tom was congratulated by the others. After a while we had to leave but Tom paid for a hall for all of us. He threw an entire party without me knowing anything !

-How did you throw all of this party without telling me nothing ?

-Oh gosh it was so hard you can't even imagine ! I wanted to tell you so bad, pretty sure my spoiler side suffered at this moment. And you know what ? I already planned the wedding as you liked without even you knowing something was up.

-What ?! How and when ??

-Remember when we saw programs on TV or magazines, etc. I always would take the conversation to a wedding so it is already planned. But if you want to change something just let me know when you will see what I planned for our day.

-Tom there are no words to describe how much I love you right now.

-Just being able to call you my fiancée is enough for me.

We kissed and I saw that my dad still had tears in his eyes so I went to see him.

-Ahoy dad.

-Oh ! Munchkin how do you feel ?

-One of the best day of my life. Why are you still crying tho ? It is a happy day !

-Nothing to worry about. Just realizing how time flies by. And I have a question. It is awkward but I want, no I have to know.

-What is it ? Tell me.

-You know that the dad always takes the bride to the groom ? I wondered if you wanted me to do this even tho we are not family for a long time. I always dreamt of doing it. And Avri keeps saying she will never marry so...

-You really asked the question ? There was no doubt you would do this dad !

-Thank you... not only for this but alsol for letting me a chance.

-I will never regret doing it.

-Did you know he even asked for my blessing ?

-I have no doubt he did !

-I am happy for you my beautiful daughter and I love you.

-I love you too dad.

He took me in his arms and we talked a bit about how it would go, both wondering what Tom prepared.

When the moon came on the sky, everybody went to their home or to their hotel. Tom and I went home and let's say we didn't sleep much.

When I woke up the next morning, Tom already prepared our luggage. I already forgot we had to go back today.

-Is my fiancée ready to wake up and go to the airport ?

-Yes of course and is my fiancé ready to cuddle during all the travel in the plane ?

-No need to ask for that darling.

We kissed to say hello and took a quick breakfast. We headed to the airport and went on the plane. We really cuddled every time.

Some paparazzi were on the American airport and I did a little mistake by using my left hand to hide my face. I knew this would be on tabloids tomorrow but I really didn't care at that moment.

We arrived home and finally took the boxes we received for the Cherry movie. I couldn't wait to try something new with Tom. People always think that playing lovers with yours is easy but actually it is harder, you can't kiss them when you want or do what you want, etc. We were now in bed, tired because of the different hours between here and London.

-Tom, I did a mistake at the airport earlier.

-What happened ?

-I used my left hand to hide my face so they all saw the ring.

-Well I won't blame you, you always use this one.

-So I thought about something to avoid the news harrassment.

-I am listening.

-I know we don't like to do it but maybe we could do an instagram post to make it official. So we don't have to face all the medias.

-It's actually a pretty good idea ! And I even already know what to write in the caption.

-That is great but we forgot to do photos...

He smirked while looking right in my eyes.

-What now ?

-You really thought I wouldn't think about this ? Harry was filming everything and did photos on the process. And your dad even did some polaroids of it.

-Oh my gosh I love this type of photo !

-I know this is why I asked some to do them.

We looked at the photos and found one we loved more than the others. It was the exact moment when I turned around and realized what was happening. You could see all the love in our looks and it made me want to cry again but I won't ! I am a strong woman !

He explained me his idea for the captions and let's say it was original and I loved it. I first posted the photo with the caption "He asked..." and Tom posted the same picture with the caption "... and she said yes !"

We had hundreds of thousands like after only five minutes and we had a lot of comments congratulating us. We received some messages and smiled wider at each other.

Oh how lucky I was to find this man.

Words count : 1055

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now