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Ps : Y/H/H = Your Hogwarts House

We still were in Florida and the Disney world three other days were similar to the first and the second day. I had so much fun ! We also saw the avengers campus and I saw a statue of myself ! I took a selfie with her and we did photos with everything. Tom and I even stayed longer to take more photos. We saw some fans and they were super kind. We even sit in a little Ratatouille café to talk with them.

Dad (waw... It was so weird to say that) booked two days on the universal studios Harry Potter.

-So you never did your test on Pottermore to know your house ?!

I said to my siblings. I couldn't believe my family didn't try to know Harry Potter better.

-No Y/N, they only saw the first movie.

-You are betraying me right now ! Okay a Harry Potter camp is mandatory. When we come back you come to our place and we watch every movie, you will do the tests and test the food, everything ! Oh ! If Tom agrees obviously.

-Everything for you darling.

We smiled at each others and I realized how much I was hopelessly in love with him. But then... it came to my mind that I didn't even know his Hogwarts house !

-Tom love what is your house ? You never even told me ! What a shame...

-I am a Hufflepuff (I have no ideas if it is true)

-Oh... well that is okay.

-What does it mean ?

-I am a Y/H/H. Do you still think we are matching ?

-Even if you were Hagrid's twin sister you would be mine.

I kissed him more and more and more.

-Okay kids ! Get a room or stop. I maybe am a fresh dad for her but I don't need the boyfriend thing now.

We laughed and stop. Once again we did a lot of photo and I wondered if my phone still had enough memory for the rest of the trip.

We also visited some beaches and Tom kept teasing me with the sand ! I had even in my underwear almost every time. But I had my revenge... I went to buy some things and I remembered we didn't learn the exact same English... I bought some diet chips that Tom didn't like at all and when I came back home, I told everyone to shut their mouth about the joke.

-Toooommm, I went to the shop and did a little stop. Do you want some chips ?

-Oh my goodness I love you ! Are you reading in my mind ? I wanted chips so bad for days !

When he came in the kitchen, I gave him the bag of chips. His smiled faded. He did the exact same face as the emoji with puppy eyes.

-But... you said you took chips ?

-Yeah, these are the chips. A problem love ?

-These are crisps.

-No, can't you read ? These are diet chips.

-Was it a revenge because I kept putting sand in your bra ? Ohhh I see now. For you, my chips are fries. Not gonna lie, you are a genius but I am a bit disappointed, I am hungry now...

I laughed and went to hug him. Even tho I know he was not and won't be mad, I felt bad for doing it so I took him to McDonalds. We ate in the car in a little hidden spot and I asked :

-You know what day is it tomorrow right ?

-Yes love, it is our first anniversary. How could I forget ?

-I am glad you do. What can we do to celebrate that ? If you want to I won't force you, you know it perfectly.

-I prepared something for us. And stop lacking trust.

-You know I can't do anything about my trust issues.

-I love you, you are beautiful and I don't understand why you have those issues. I am there and will always be there for you.

-Even after a year you are still my ideal.


-Did you just do a Snape reference ? Oh my I love you even more now !

We finished eating and went back to the house. They were all at the pool and after changing, Tom and I joined them. We went to sleep two hours later.

Time skip :

I woke up and Tom wasn't in the bed. I went downstairs and he made :

-Quacksons !

I was laughing so hard I was crying. He was super confused but I kept laughing, I couldn't stop.

-You have to say croissants.

-Oh no ! Not you ! I am saying it like I have to ! Don't do like the others.

I nodded and we kissed.

-Happy first year by the way Y/N.

-Happy anniversary mon amour.

-Wait... it was so sexy ! You speak French ?

-Oui. (Yes)

-Since uh when ?

-The woman that was in the family was speaking French so now I am fluent in English and in French.

-You amaze me every day... So for today, I planned a restaurant on the beach for the night and I have a gift for you. We will use it really soon. Here.

I watched and it was a lot of tickets. It was for every single thing I once said I wanted to see in London. EVERY - SINGLE - PLACE.

-Oh my goodness Tom... it's... waw. I can't even find my words. My gift seems so stupid now. Thank you.

-I am pretty sure I will love your gift too. Where is it ?

I smirked.

-Oh no. I don't like that smile.

-We have an appointment. You remember when you said multiple times you wanted a tattoo for Marvel ?

-No way !

-Yes !!! We are going this afternoon.

He was super happy. While we were waiting for the appointment, I'm not gonna lie, we made out without stopping. The rest of the family went shopping so we were good.

Now was the appointment and I felt a bit nervous because Tom convinced me to do one too.

The tattoo artist asked what we wanted, Tom went first and went for a spider on his foot. I face palmed like really ?! It was funny because he is super ticklish so he wouldn't stop laughing.

When it was my turn, I decided to do the same as Robert but with the iron man part of the draw in another color for obvious reasons. It didn't hurt and I was happy with it.

While we were waiting for the restaurant, we continued the make out session but did the next step of it. Multiple times.

We dressed super nice and went to the restaurant. It was exactly like in the movies. We even danced some slows at the end of the dinner.

They say that even when your world is dark, you have a light somewhere. Tom was mine and I couldn't be more thankful for it.

Ps : I wanted to thank all of you. 110 reads ! It might not be a lot for you but for me it is just incredible. Thank you ! <3

Words count : 1225

&quot;I'm so screwed...&quot; a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now