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After an hour, Tom came in his old bedroom where we were staying during our trips every time we would come.

-Hey I've been looking for you for an hour now. Is everything okay ? For how long have you been here ?

I didn't want to ruin his little party so I lied.

-Yeah love no worries I came here around an hour ago. I just have a really bad head ache. Go party I will stay here to sleep. I am so so sorry.

-Hey hey ! That's okay. You already did so much for me. Please rest now I will give you some water and will stay party a bit more if that is okay for you. If you prefer, I can stay here with you.

-No enjoy please, it is your birthday.

He smiled and kissed my forehead, gave me water and went back to the party. Well it was not even a real party because we were only 9 but still.

The next morning I stopped thinking about it after talking with Harrison. I told him what Amanda said and he answered with this :

-Listen Y/N you don't have to worry. I love her but she lies every time. And I don't know when he could have said that she has no way to contact him. He didn't follow her back.

I felt so relief after the conversation. I decided not to tell Tom but to still look how she behaved.

We were eating dinner when I saw she was looking at Tom in a way I didn't like again. She was laughing while holding his arm. I decided to ignore it but when she put her head on her shoulder it was too much for me.

-Excuse me, I am really tired and not hungry anymore, I am going to sleep.

I said it in an angry way so I heard Tom following me. He was concerned.

-Something's wrong babe ?

-Something's wrong ?! Tom are you blind ? She is flirting with you, she already did yesterday !

-What ?! No !

-Tom she said yesterday to me that you were surprised we were still together because you were sure it wouldn't last. Harrison told me it was not true but still. She looks at you like she is gonna eat you and now she puts her head on your shoulder like I always use to do in front of her boyfriend and your girlfriend.

-Y/N it is not like that anymore. But I am glad you trust Harrison, I would have never said that and you know it.


-She used to have a big crush on me before we were together but I said no because we already met and I knew you were my destiny. And she doesn't like me anymore. Look she is with Harrison.

-Why didn't you tell me ?

-It was not necessary.

-Okay you know what ? I am sleeping on the spare bedroom. I want to be alone.

I went there and slept until the next morning. I went downstairs because I was too hungry. It was just the two of us. The others were at work or school. I was still mad at Tom for not telling me the truth.

After a moment of sipping in my latte macchiato caramel, Tom came downstairs. He looked at me and sighed when he understood I was going to ignore him. He drank his coffee and I saw his face lit up, like a kid having an idea. I raised an eyebrow when I saw him running somewhere.

I suddenly heard some music. Our song. Umbrella by Rihanna. He began to dance in front of me, he was trying to make me forgive him.

At the middle of the song, I began to laugh at him waiting for me to dance with him. I jumped in his arm and we did our dance. At the end of the song he added.

-I am so sorry darling. You know she means nothing to me you are the only one I love and will always be.

-I love you too Tom and next time tell me the truth when it needs to be said please.

-I promise and please never let me alone again to sleep, it was horrible !

We laughed and he kissed me. Even tho we had some fights for two months, I still loved him like the first day and he still loved me like the first day.

Words count : 762

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now