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Tom was in pure shock. Robert arrived running as fast as it was possible for him but they couldn't do anything. They were now using a defibrillator on you. That was not good at all. They were doing it for ten minutes and Tom and Robert sighed after seeing that you were alive again. The doctors went to see them.

-Mr. Downey, Mr. Holland. The good news is that we succeeded on keeping her alive.

-Thank you mister, thank you.

-But we still have a BUT. If she doesn't wake up this week, we will have to unplug her. If she doesn't wake up, it means she never will. I am so sorry.

Robert and Tom were silent. They went in your room and they took the same place as usual. Tom with his head on your hand and Robert with his hand on your cheek or forehead.

Tom wasn't ready at all for that. He decided to see a therapist. The hospital agreed on giving him a session with their best therapist during the possibly last week of life of Y/N.

-Ok so Mr. Holland tell me why you're here ?

-Where do I begin ?

-You begin where you prefer but the very beginning is better.

-I met a girl on a set for Marvel. I fell in love with her without even knowing her name and the more I talked with her, the more I was falling. Fortunately, she felt the same. We were together when she went through hell after discovering some truths about her past. And she was there for my trust issues. She met my parents, I met hers and everything was fine. Until we had a fight because she knew that I had to play with my psycho ex. We fought but every time we did we would forgive each others. Some months ago, she went to visit me in the state of Alabama but Rose had planned on breaking our couple. She came in my bed when I was sleeping and Y/N arrived at this moment so she thought I cheated on her. The weeks after that were horrible and the months too. Until one day she sent me a message explaining that she knew about Rose's plan and that she was coming to our home. But she never came. She was in a massive car accident and the driver in fault fled. It was Rose but we can't find her now and if Y/N doesn't wake up this week we will have to unplug her.

-What a story... I am sorry for what you are going through. Can you tell me a bit more about how you feel about that ?

-I don't really know how to put words on it. I am not ready to let her go. She is the best thing that happened in my life and now I have to let her go ? No I can't. We didn't even reunite yet. We have still so much to do together.

-Do you know that she can hear everything you are saying to her ? You should tell her that whatever will happen, you will support her. "Y/N I will be there if you wake up and I will be there if you decide to go."

Tom finished his session and thought a lot about it and she was right. Tom will have to be there with you no matter what will happen. He went again in your room and explained everything to Robert. This one won't stop crying.

-You know Tom, during 21 years I knew that somewhere I might have a child. I regretted what I said to Betty all my life. And now that I have her and that we finally have the daughter-father bond we had on the movies, the karma is knocking at my door. I should have thought that it wouldn't be okay every time. I said that I didn't want to have her and now that I love her more than I ever loved anything on this god damn planet with my other children, karma and life will take her away from me.

Tom nodded and they hugged.

The more the days passed, the more Tom thought that it was over. They arrested Rose yesterday. He thought he would feel so much better but no. It was still hurting.

Tomorrow they will unplug you. Some friends came to say goodbye and when they all came, Tom decided to talk with you alone.

-Hi my love, tomorrow it will be finished. You won't be hurt anymore, you will feel fine. You know, I don't want you to go but if it has to be like this. It is okay. I will be there whatever happens. I promise you that everything will be just fine. And never forget that I love you more than anything Y/N.

-I love you too Tom.

Words count : 819

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now