~40~ (Epilogue)

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When I said that, we knew we had to the hospital. Tom and dad were running everywhere to see if we needed other things than our baby bag. I began to panic so when Nikki saw it, she helped us.

-Tom, you go in the car with Y/N right now, Robert you are going with them. Dom and I will see if we can take other things and we will come to join you. Did you all understand ?

They all nodded and Tom came to help me. It hurt like hell but we had to arrive at the hospital, she couldn't be born in a car !

Dad drove and I went on the back seat with Tom. He tried to do some breathing exercises with me but I couldn't. I just wanted to arrive there so they could do the epidural.

We arrived there and Tom helped me to go in.

-Please, we need help my wife is giving birth !

They took me in a room and dad waited outside with Tom. They had to undress me for some medical reasons.

-Mrs. Holland do you want an epidural or do you want to try without ?

-I can do it without ?

-Yes, some women want to feel all the pain of giving birth so if you want to try that is okay for us.

-Hell no ! Oh my sorry I am using bad words...

-There is no problem Mrs. this is really painful we can't control our mouth sometimes.

They did the epidural and after five minutes I felt so much better. I asked so they could let Tom and dad in.

-Hey darling, how are you ?

-It doesn't hurt that much for the moment, where are your parents ?

-We are here honey.

-Thank you. Dad can you call mom please ?

-She already knows, she was at the airport when I called her so she will be there tomorrow, she even brought Haz, Eli and Z with her.

-Okay thank you.

-Did the doctor say something ?

-Yes, with what they saw, it won't be too long. They were amazed at how fast it would arrive.

-You got this love.

I nodded and put my head on the pillow, watching the screen that showed me the contractions. It was magical because I couldn't feel anything no.

We waited for hours and hours and still nothing. The doctors now said it would be anytime soon, they thought about an hour so she would arrive at 9pm.

Tom was pacing around in the room, he felt really nervous right now.

-What if she cries when I take her.

-She probably will sometimes but that is okay. She knows who you are. Remember the kicks ?

-Okay but what if she doesn't love me ? Or if I am a bad father ?

-Love come here.

He came near me and I took his cheek in my hand.

-She will love you. And you know what ? You will be the best father she could ever ask for. We will do great I know it.

We kissed and we waited. I tried to eat but only took some vanilla pudding. I was already exhausted but couldn't sleep.

We watched TV when I felt that it began to hurt again. I called some nurses and they checked me.

-It's time Mrs. Holland.

-Now ?!

-Yes. Mr. Holland can come with us. Do you want someone else ?

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now