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When I went to the doctor appointment, Tom was smiling like I never saw him smile. I also felt super excited, I couldn't wait to hear their heartbeat again.

We entered the room and she put the cold thing on my not so flat stomach.

-Here we go... There is your baby.

We looked at the screen and Tom took my hand to squish it. I heard him gasp when we heart the heartbeat. It sounded like a music.

-I identified the gender, do you want to know it ?

-Could you write in a paper ? Friends are organizing a gender reveal party and I want to have a surprise too.

-Yes I can, a lot of people do that so it is no problem. And now I can tell you that your baby is perfectly fine.

She went to write the gender and we couldn't stop watching the screen. I stopped to look at Tom and he was crying. He locked eyes with me and kissed my hand.

-God, I love you so much.

We finished everything and she gave us the paper. We immediately went to Eli's so she can have it, if we kept it we would look at it. She told us that they prepared a super hero thing for the reveal. Tom would use spiderweb and I would use a blaster, just like our characters.

Two weeks later :

It was today that we would know if we would have a girl or a boy.  We were so excited for it that we couldn't stay still on the sofa.

Zendaya, Elizabeth and Harrison arrived ten minutes ago and they don't let us help. They put us on the bedroom and put a movie on the TV.

After one hour, they came for us and the guests were arriving. Tom's parents didn't understand what they were doing here so we had to announce them.

-Tom, Y/N, my darlings, we are so happy to be there but we wonder why you invited us.

-Mom, dad, we have something to tell you. Let's go to the sofa.

We went there and they sat. Nikki seemed really worried but we knew she would be happy. Harrison began to film because it was a big moment. Dom grew impatient.

-So tell us what is it ?

-Nikki, Dom if we invited you today, it is to announce you a big surprise.

-Oh, how excited I am !!!

-The end of this year, we will welcome a new Holland in the family.

-You will take a dog ?

-Really dad ?

-No Dom !! I think we will be grandparents ! Is it that ?!

-Yes, due 31st December.

-Oh my lord !! Come here !

They hugged us really hard and they were both crying hard. Some minutes after, Dom was talking to Tom about how responsible he will have to be now that he will be a dad and Nikki was giving me some pregnancy advices. Just at this moment dad arrived with the siblings. I haven't said Exton and Avri yet, I didn't really know how to tell them.

-Y/N !!!

-Oh my sweet Avri.

She was running towards me and I picked her up. Exton came to hug me and we both talked a bit until I decided it was time to tell them.

-Ok guys, I have to tell you something and I think you will be happy to know.

-What is it ?

-I have a baby in my belly.

-Really ?

-Yes Avri. Come here.

I took her hand and put it on my little baby bump. Exton joined and they both seemed like they had stars in their eyes.

-Wait ? Y/N I am confused, I really don't understand.

-What don't you understand Exton ?

-How did the baby arrive there ?!

-Oh ! Hum... Tom ?

-Yes love ?

-Exton just asked how the baby arrived on my belly.

-Ah ! I think it is a question for your dad buddy. He will explain to you better than us.

With this Exton nodded and went to see dad. We saw them talk and we laugh a lot when dad looked at us like he was going to kill us.

Today, I decided to assume my bump and I put on a regular shirt, we could already see it and I felt so excited about it. It was so hard to find that I still had to wait 6 months to see our little chaos. I stopped day dreaming when I heard our organizers that it was almost time.

During the wait, Tom and I sticked to each other. Like always, he was holding my size but the difference is that now he had his hand on my belly and was drawing little circles on it. This is another proof that it is meant to be and that we will be even happier than we were now, even tho it seems impossible.

Z, Eli and Haz asked everyone to take a sweater with yellow or green to see what they think it will be.

I was so happy that they decided to break the tradition. Yellow will be for boys and green for girls.

I watched everyone taking their side. It was 50-50 but they wanted Tom and I to choose. I decided to not take a side because I knew I would be overwhelmed in happiness no matter what but I saw tom coming with a yellow sweater.

-You want a little girl mon amour ?

-Yes I really do but I will be happy even if it is an extra-terrestrial so it's okay.

I laughed and Haz gave us the blaster and the spider web thing. We took it like our characters use to do and we waited for the people to count so we could do it.

Tom and I looked at each other and waited for everyone to be there. I heard some cameras and we were going to start when I heard dad yelling that we had to wait because he wanted to film this and he needed his phone.

He finally came back and everyone started counting.

3... 2... 1...

We did it and we looked at each other. We turned around at the same time and we both began to yell of happiness after seeing the color.

-Oh Y/N my love thank you ! I am so excited ! We are having a little girl !!

Words count : 1082

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now