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So this is how it felt ? The emptiness. It has been two days since Tom was gone and all I could do was watching the TV and stay on the sofa. I didn't eat and I drink water because I have to.

I didn't know where he was and I didn't try to contact him and he didn't neither. If there weren't any photos, I would have been sure that nothing happened, that I dreamt it all.

Dad came to see me but all I was able to do was play with my wedding ring, I didn't listen to him when he was talking.

-I am really worried about you Y/N.


-Did you try talking to him ?

-He doesn't want to.

-Waw you can talk... Ok, I will talk to him.


-Ok... I have to go today but I won't let you be like this for too long. I love you munchkin.

He kissed my forehead and left the house. And I continued to watch TV and to drink water.

Tom's POV :

I took a hotel room under a fake name near our house. Every time I wanted to, I could watch through the window and see our place.

I really wanted to go back but what could I say to her now ? She should have told me what happened to her. I could have help her and I had the right to know. The truth is that I already forgave her but I was too afraid that she wouldn't want me anymore. I asked Robert to come because I wanted to talk to him about what to do.

-Hello Tom.


-Let's talk, I am listening to you.

-I want to go back to her.

-So why don't you ?

-I am too afraid to. Maybe she moved on already. And I was hurt by what she went through. It is not a little thing that we can forget easily...

-You know, everybody makes mistake. And I can assure you she didn't move on. She is at her worst for the moment, waiting for you. She always wears your wedding ring on the necklace you gave her, the one with the letter T.

-I miss her so much.

‐So go. You know that as a father, I obviously don't like the fact that my daughters are going to date. But Y/N and you... it is meant to be I can see it. You two are soulmate and I know you will fix this situation.

I nodded and prepared my bag, he was right, Y/N and I already went through a lot, we would go through this with our love for each other.

Y/N's POV :

I decided to take a shower and to put some clean clothes, it was time. I did all that and went in the sofa again, crying, waiting for the time to pass when I heard a knock on the door. I was confused and decided to open the door.

I saw Tom with his bag and he was crying a lot too.

-Y/N please can I come back ? I miss you so much and I don't know why I went away because I knew I would never leave you no matter what. I am so sorry pl-

I cut him off by kissing him. God, how I missed this feeling. We stopped and I put my forehead against his.

-Ssshhh Tom, stop being sorry it was all my fault. Come in it is OUR place.

He entered and put his bag on the sofa. He quickly came back to me to sway a little with me. He began to play with my necklace.

-Is it okay if I take this back.

-I thought you would never ask.

I gave it back to him and it felt like the weight of the world went off of my shoulder.

The rest of the day, it felt like we couldn't stay without the other. How grateful I was that he came back. I stayed on his arms all the night and we didn't sleep we just kissed and talked. He promised me to not go away again and I promised him to tell everything again.

We slept a little and woke up the morning at the same time. We took a breakfast and I decided to talk to him.

-Tom ?

-Yes love ?

-Do you still want a baby with me ?

-Of course, why wouldn't I ?

-Because when you went away, you said that you weren't sure.

-I said that because I was angry Y/N... Of course I want a baby with you, I promise I wasn't thinking what I said. I am ready when you are to try again.

-I promise you we will succeed. But if that is okay for you, not today, I feel a little sick and I prefer to rest.

-Sure ! Do you need something ? How do you feel sick ?

-Just you to stay with me. I think it is just because of the stress I had recently

-I promise I will stay.

He stayed like he said he would. We watched movies all day and he helped me to eat again.

But few days later, I still felt sick so Tom convinced me to see a doctor. I was supposed to go with him on the set of "Chaos Walking" but I would join him after.

-Ok Mrs. Holland, what is happening to you for the moment ?

-Well doctor I felt a little bit sick this last days and I wanted to know what was happening to me. I have nausea, and I feel like I have a cold.

-Did you take a pregnancy test ?

-Hum... no... I didn't think about this at all...

-Do you think it is possible ?

-The last time was a little more than a week ago.

-Did you have your period ?

-No... Why didn't I think about that ?

-It is no problem Mrs. I will take a bit of your blood and tell you all you need to know.

He did it and I waited in the room for the results.

-Congratulations, Mrs. Holland. You are pregnant.

-Last time I was, I lost the baby after three weeks.

-Here you are almost three months. So it means that the risks are really low.

-But I had a lot of stress recently and even had some issues to eat. It everything okay for it ?

-What you are feeling now with the sickness means that the baby is in a good health. Congratulations Mrs.

Finally, our little chaos was becoming true. And after all that happened, we deserved it.

Words count : 1121

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now