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Third person POV :

Tom was even more than excited after receiving the message. He missed you so much it was crazy ! But he was a little bit worried because it has been an hour since the message and you weren't there yet. While he was waiting for you he decided to watch the tv but his heart shattered when he saw the news.

"Y/N Downey the actress and singer between life and death after an accident. She was in her car until another car crashed in hers. The other driver fled. Someone spotted the accident and came to help her. She was unconscious and lost a lot of blood. She is now taken in charge in a hospital and we don't know yet if she will survive or not."

Tom took his phone and his heart was beating too fast for his health. He dialed Robert's number and waited for him to answer. Every ring was an eternity.

-Hello ?

-How is she ?!

-Come to the hospital.

He gave Tom the address and he drove like crazy. He didn't care about having an accident himself he just wanted to know. He arrived in less than 10 minutes and ran in the hospital calling your name. A nurse came and showed Tom where Robert was. Tom hugged him because he was crying.

-Tom, I am sorry for how I treated you. She told me everything before going.

-It is all okay. Where is she ?

-Are you sure you are ready for this ? She is really broken.

-No but I need to see her.

They went in the room and Tom felt like his soul was leaving his body. You had tubes everywhere, you were very pale and had bruises everywhere his eyes landed. A doctor came in.

-Hello. I am her doctor and I came to explain a little bit what was happening right now. So she lost a lot of blood. Honestly we are still wondering how she is still alive. A part of the car crashed in her stomach but we could take it off and fix the inside. She has bruises everywhere but we can't do anything about it. She is now in a coma.

-When will she wake up ?

-Sir it is c-

-When will she wake up ?!

-We don't know if she will wake up sir I am sorry.

He left the room and there was just silent. Until Susan began to sob. Robert came near her but all Tom could do was looking at your still beautiful face. He took your hand and cried silently.

They stayed all day and a nurse came in to give them your personal items. He took your phone and sad he was still on your phone case. He turned the phone around and saw a notification on your phone. It was from Rose. He taped your code because it was still your date and he checked the messages. When he saw what Rose told you, he wanted to break everything that reaches his hands. Of course she was responsible of it. Robert was confused about why Tom was angry but he didn't say anything.

He left the room to see if there were any policemen. The driver fled so there was an investigation to find who was behind it. He found one so he went to see him. Tom explained why you were in the car and showed them the conversation explaining that Rose was his ex that was psycho. They thanked him and he came back to you.

Time skip :

It was already two weeks and you were not awake yet. Tom talked to you every day.

-Hey my love, it's been two weeks and well nothing changed. We still don't know anything. I miss you like crazy but don't worry I know who did that to you and she will pay for everything she did. You have to know that I love you Y/N and I know you will go through this, we will together. You are so strong, the strongest I know. After all that we will go to London. You know it's been more than two years that we are planning this. We will do it and you know what ? I will marry you because you are the one Y/N, you are the love of my life. And we will have kids okay ? Can you imagine mini mix of Holland and Downey ? What a chaos ! But I can't wait for this chaos, oh you don't even imagine. I love you okay?

He caresses your cheek but he was really careful because he was so afraid of breaking you. You were so fragile after all.

He stays at the hospital night and days. The only moment he was leaving was to shower and to eat.

All the marvel cast came multiple times and they were all so sad. He saw on the TV that they screamed at journalists and he just thought that he would do even worst. They were staying outside the hospital to make sure they would be the first to have all the information.

He received texts from Rose.

Rose : oh my gosh Tom I heard what happened ! Is she okay ??

Tom : don't act like you care. I know you are behind this and the police will find you. You won't escape no more.

She sent him some more texts but the only thing he did was showing the police and ignored her.

The days were passing and it was already three weeks. Tom still talked to you every day, he kissed you gently multiple times and he waited. His parents were facetiming him every day, they were so worried about you.

One day, he was sleeping with his head on the bed, holding your arm but still being careful so he doesn't hurt you more. He still was full of hope. He knew you would wake up and grow old with him. He smiled in his sleep but he was woken up when the doctors pushed him away from you. He didn't understand until he heard a constant bip.

-No, no, no, no !

-Mr. Holland please leave the room.


-We are losing her.

Words count : 1017

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now