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The weeks went by and Robert and I still hadn't talk. We were doing our scenes and that's it. I hung out a lot with Tom even tho he had not a lot of scenes and we grew closer every time. Nothing happened but I was happy with the friendship we have.

We had another week and it will be the wrap. I couldn't wait to finish because I loved going to premieres. I was reading my script when Tom came in my room.

-Listen darling I know we planned to go to the coffee shop but I have to cancel.

-Noooo why?

-Because we are going to my brother's restaurant.

-Oh, wasn't expecting that... May I ask why ?

-You'll see.

After this, he went out of my room and I finished my bag for the afternoon scenes.

During one of them, it was just Seb, Robert and Chris. I sat and talked with Elizabeth saying how weird it was that he wanted to go to another place.

-Maybe it is a date.

-Nah, I really don't think so. Why would he do that ?

-Are you blind or something? You didn't see how he looked at you ?

-Like a friend Eli nothing else. Maybe he just wanted something different.

-Anyways, you are not going like this. You come into my room and put a basic dress.

-If you want to... But it is not a date !

-Yeah whatever.

I wore the dress and it was really simple. It changed a bit for me but we can see I wasn't trying to dress nice for a date. Eli took me home as I came with Tom and I decided to take a little nap because I had one hour and a half before Tom comes to pick me up.

I woke up 10 minutes before Tom came. I went into his car and I could feel it was more awkward than usual. I didn't dare to ask why another place. We arrived at the restaurant and Tom opened the door for me. We took a seat and the tension was lower. Suddenly he stopped and said :

-Don't you look beautiful? I am so sorry I didn't notice before ! Well not that you don't look beautiful everyday but you get it.

-Hahaha thank you Tom. No worries I get it.

We ate and it was super delicious. When we were going out of the restaurant Tom asked if I wanted to watch a movie at his place. I accepted and we drove to his flat.

It was a really cosy flat. Don't forget the cutest dog I ever saw.

-Tessa seems to like you.

-You think ? Well I LOVE her ! She is too cute for this world.

He laughed and we sat on the sofa. We chose to watch X-men and we did some popcorns. More advanced the film was, more closer we were. At this time, Tom put his arm on the back of the sofa behind me. I began to feel my eyes getting heavy and I ended up falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up with an arm around my waist. I panicked a bit until I noticed it was Tom's. Just at this moment he woke up and quickly removed his arm.

-Oh no ! Y/N I am so sorry !

-Hey ! No worries but what happened ?

-Well, you fell asleep and you put your head on my shoulder. I tried to move you so you could be comfortable enough on the sofa but you asked me to stay, saying you didn't want to be alone so here we are.

-Oh my... I am so sorry if I embarrassed you.

-You didn't, it was nice.

We looked at each others with a smile and we began to panic when we noticed we were late to work. We quickly drove there and lied to the crew saying there was traffic.

Time skip:

The week went by and I could sense that my connection with Tom was more intense every day. The last day on set, they said they wanted a last-minute thing for Peter Parker and Y/N Stark. A kiss. I never did that on any things I was in.

They planned this for the very last thing to do before the film is wrapped. I was super stressed because I don't know if it would be acting or not during it. I asked for some advices from Elizabeth and she just laughed at how nervous I was.

The day arrived and I was still really confused about how it would happen. Plus, every fucking member of the cast was there, waiting for the moment. Super embarrassing.


-Y/N ? I really want to kiss a girl and I don't know how they like it. Can you please give me some advice ?

-Well Peter I didn't have my first kiss yet but I would love to be surprise you know ? But not if it is some strangers, but if it is someone I really know and that I feel something. It is not a really good advice but that is how I would like it.

-That is okay I appreciate it. Listen I would love to stay more but I have to go on patrol.

-No probs spidey-boy. And please be caref-

And with that both Y/N were kissing the guy they liked for a moment now.

-Please be even more careful now.

Peter kissed Y/N again.

At the end of the scene, everyone was clapping. I still was in awe of what just happened but I clapped anyway.

We all did a photo together posting it on social medias with the caption "And it is a wrap for Captain America : Civil War".

After the photo was posted, I hugged everyone except Robert. It was still really complicated just because of the little drama. While I hugged Tom he asked if he could talk to me. I said yes and we went to my room so we can take all my things until the next time. After we finished packing he suddenly said :

-Hey Y/N. I really want to kiss a girl but I need advice on how doing it. Can you help me ?

-Yeah of course you can supri-

I felt his lips against mine and I couldn't help but smile. At the beginning, I realty thoughthe was talking about another girl.

-Gosh, I wanted to do that for a while now.

-Really ?

-Yes Y/N. I hope you wanted to or I will really be an idiot right now.

I answered with another kiss. I knew at that moment, I really was screwed.

Words count : 1124

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now