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I stopped staring at him and tried to talk.

-Y-y-yeah, I am Y/N. So you are THE Peter Parker ?

-Yeah. You ready to start ?

I nodded and we started playing. I was afraid to not be able to work correctly but everything went fine. During the break I went into my room alone because I needed time to think about this. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided it was nothing. When I was going to go back to set, someone opened my door. It was Tom. Gosh, why was I this nervous?!

-Hey ! Hope I don't disturb you but I wanted to ask if you wanted to go for a coffee after work? We barely know each others so maybe we could talk together. You know... just to look more professional.

I could tell he was nervous too. I accepted and we both went to set again. I did an eye contact with Chris and he was looking at me like Tom and me just did something. I rolled my eyes and we continued to film.

Now was a scene with Robert and I could once again feel that something was wrong.


-Y/N you didn't train enough last week and that is why you hurt your ankle now. Don't be surprised.

-Oh please stop saying things like that when you know you don't train at all. I could knock you out in a blink.

-Watch your mouth young lady. Now excuse me but I have a meeting with actual heroes about the shit YOU have done with your powers so goodbye.

-Can I come ?

-Let me think about it. Well actually yes.

-Really ??


-Why? It is about me so nothing that I don't know. Please.

-Do you need to see a doctor for your ears ? I said no munchkin sorry.

At this moment, I stopped playing I said something I really wanted to say to him since the conversation.

-You know what "dad"? I am tired of this ! You were the only one who didn't hide a single thing from me and now it looks like you are protected by the CIA. What did I do to you to deserve that ?

-Y/N there are things you don't know and that you don't wanna know so please stop this drama.

-But what are you hiding ? I don't see any problems with you saying things if it is about myself ?! What are you hiding that is so dramatic ? What happened to our father-daughter bond ? I loved it and everything is dying now and I don't understand and it is killing me from the inside !


-No! You know what ? I am tired of this. I am just gonna go somewhere else before I really get mad.

After all that, I could see the producers thinking it was incredible because they didn't know everything was true to me. I dried my tears and smiled. I didn't want anyone to think this wasn't acting. Was it even acting for Robert ?

I went to ask the producers if they needed something else and they said it was over for today, adding that my performance was just incredible. I took my bag and headed outside. Robert tried to stop me but I ignored and went straight into my car.

I was with my head on my steering when I heard someone knocking at my window. I looked and saw Tom. I did a gesture so he understood he could come in the car and I waited.

-You okay there ? He asked with a concerned look.

-Yeah, don't worry. I am sorry for this.

-Don't be, I could see this wasn't acting. You wanna talk about it ?

-Not really but I appreciate it thanks.

-You still ready for a coffee ?

I smiled and nodded. He went into his car and we went to a little empty coffee shop. He explained that he goes there a lot after closing so he could be alone. We drank our coffees and laughed a lot.

-I am super glad we talked Tom. We should do it again ! Oh... if you want it of course. Please know that I won't force you  ! I know I can be really annoy-

-I would love to darling.

We smiled and I went back to my place. When I went to bed I received a notification on instagram that made me smile before sleeping

"@tomholland2013 started following you"

Words count : 758

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now