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Finally we were the month of the premiere and all the interviews about Civil War. Today we had the projection and a red carpet to go with it. I was more nervous than usual because it was the day Tom and I would officialize things.

Unfortunately, I had no time to be stressed because I had to get ready for the red carpet. Olivia and Gwen arrived at my house 10 minutes ago and I already wanted to cough because of all of the products.

Once they finished I put my dress on (you can imagine the dress you want ofc) and looked at myself in the mirror. Honestly, I looked really good ! I heard a honk that meant the car AND Tom were there. I did a last look on the mirror and went out. When I entered the car, I saw Tom with wide yes.

-Waw Y/N... I can't even find my words to describe how beautiful you are.

-Thank you babe, you are really handsome too.

During the road we talked about the answers we would give to the journalists during the red carpet and we agreed to say the truth so that we were dating for 6 months now and that the rumors were right.

The car stopped and we could see that everyone was waiting for us. Tom pulled off and I heard the fans yelling his names. After like 5 seconds Tom took my hand and I pulled off the car too. He intertwined our fingers and I could see all the photographers going crazy. Tom stopped and kissed my cheek on a photo and I thought to myself that I couldn't wait to find this photo online to put it as a wallpaper on my phone.

We arrived in the circle of the other actors and I separated our hands to do the traditional photo with Robert. We did one at every red carpets we did together for Marvel. I hugged him and went to Scarlett's side who was nudging me with a wink. After some photos I felt Tom's hand on my lower back and it made me smile.

It was now time for the questions. I heard a lot calling me and I went to one.

-Y/N, Y/N! We have a few questions here.

-I am listening ! Could you give me your name? I prefer.

-I am Jordan and I am here for a small page on instagram.

-Ohhh I am glad. Tell me your question.

-Okay so first, I think we all saw you coming with your fingers intertwined with Tom Holland's so does that mean the rumors were true ? If yes isn't it complicated to have a serious relationship at only 18 ?

-Yes Jordan there are. We are actually dating for 6 months now and we are really happy. We have this planned for a month now and I am really exciting that we are public now. And about our ages, I think it is pretty good we met that young because I really think this relationship could word and if not we would still be young and have time to find the right one.

-Congrats ! Can you tell us a bit about your parents ?

-Thanks but I don't really have something to say on us because I don't know them. I was in a host family until I escaped because of personal reasons. The closest thing I have to a dad now is Robert Downey Jr. who plays Tony aka my character's dad on the MCU films. I am sorry to say it like that but people are waiting. You have another question or can I go to the next journalist ?

After he told me it was all and thanked me I went to answer some more questions until I found Tom again so we could go to see the movie.

It is really rare but I was proud of myself. I thought that I did a great job at making Y/N Stark alive and I hope I can be her for sometimes again.

After everything ended, we decided that we wouldn't go to the after party so we could evacuate the stress of the day at home. For once we are going to mine. We were now not shy anymore and even went to the next step a few times (if you know you know).

We just went to mine and Tom helped me removing all my make up. It took a while oh my... We just went to sleep right after.

I woke up the next morning and Tom was still sleeping so I took my phone to look at the photos they took yesterday. As I was scrolling, I could see negative posts about me. My heart hurt every time I read a single word.

"Tom Holland finally not single anymore. Is Y/N good enough ? We doubt it !"

"Y/N with Tom because of money ? Proof on the article."

There was just two examples of what I could read this morning. Finally I decided to see the DMs even tho I know it was not a good idea. A lot of Tom's fans were attacking me because I was his girlfriend.

"Slut" "Hoe" "I would kill myself if I had your face" "Tom would never love you bitch" "You should be ashamed of stealing our man"

And it was just some. I felt like I was just a trash. I went out of the bed and went in the kitchen because I didn't want Tom to hear me cry. I sent every screenshots to Elizabeth because she really was my true best friend. She answered but I didn't want to talk even tho she seemed really worried.

10 minutes later I heard footsteps on the stairs and I quickly dried my tears, preparing a cup of coffee for my love. He put his head on my shoulder and said Hi. I gave him his coffee and I looked at him. Big mistake.

-Were you crying love ?

-No, no don't worry I just yawned and you know eyes cry when you do that.

He nodded and we ate our breakfast without saying anything. I decided to buy ice cream so I went to the shop. I bought every flavor I could find because I thought Tom would agree to do an ice cream day.

When I came back home I heard Tom crying. I saw him with his head on his hands and I ran to him.

-Hey ! Hey ! What happened there ?

-Why didn't you tell me ?

-Tell you what ?

-Elizabeth sent me all, she was worried you were not answering anymore. What didn't you tell me ?

-It is nothing no worries.

-That is the reason why you were crying this morning huh ? Gosh Y/N you have to tell me those things because I can help you.

I began to cry again and he took me in his arms.

-I am so sorry they did that to you. You know what ? I have an idea. Maybe we could do a break about social medias ? I planned a live today on instagram but I will say there what I think.

-You sure you will be able to start a live

We laughed and I did a text on my instagram story saying I am doing a break on social medias. Tom went live but I didn't want to show myself so I just decided to listen what he would say.

"Okay guys so this live is not going to be long. I have things to say and I will go right after. I am so disappointed in you guys. I was so glad to introduce Y/N to you because she brings joy to my life and the only thing you do after is attacking her ? She even received death threats ! Can you imagine ? We are nineteen, we are in love and people are saying that she deserves to die ? Waw... I don't want to seem rude but some of you have to remember that I don't belong to any of you. I am a person and she is a person too. We have feelings just like yours. Anyways now the only thing I will say is that she and I are going to take a break of social medias. And if that continues, I won't hesitate to delete my instagram for her because I lover her. See you goodbye guys."

After that I was astonished, he really did it ?

-You really do ?

-What ? Being able to delete all ? Yes of course !

-You love me ?

-Wha-? Uh... Yes I love you.

-I love you too Tom !

I ran into his arms and kissed him like crazy.

Words count : 1479

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now