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One week later :

We had a big event with Marvel today for the Father's Day and I decided that it was the perfect time to tell Tom.

Marvel organized this event so the actors could meet the fans. And we will give all the money to a hospital for children. We decided to do a little party for all the fathers in our crew.

Me and the other children decided to do a little PowerPoint and a little speech. But they didn't know (except Elizabeth) that in the end there would be the ultrasound of our baby. I couldn't wait to see Tom's reaction, he didn't suspect a single thing.

Tom stayed with dad and the three Chris and I was with Eli.

-Did you prepare the thing ?

-Yeah it will be a red curtain that will open and show the ultrasound.

She nodded and hugged me. She already wanted to cry but she winked at me and went to the bathroom so no one would see her.

It would be revealed in an hour and I began to feel nervous. It was a cool event so we didn't have to dress like for a premiere so I could wear Tom's sweatshirt. I already had a tiny baby bump so nobody would see it.

We arrived and the photos began to appear. Now we were at the part with Indio, Exton, Avri and me. We saw every child and now it was over, the screen was black.

Everyone turned around until a red curtain appeared on the screen. Once again everyone turned around. My heart was really fast. The ultrasound showed up and I acted like I didn't understand too. A little text appeared

"Happy Father's Day..."

-Ok who the hell is pregnant here ?

-Wait look ! Another text is coming !

"Happy Father's Day... Spider dad !"

Everyone gasped and Tom seemed really confused until finally he understood.

-Wait... I am the spider !!! Oh my god Y/N is it true ?!

I took off the sweatshirt to just be in the t-shirt and so that he would be able to see my little baby bump.

He ran towards me and picked me up, he was crying and me too now. My feet reached the ground again and Tom put his hand on my stomach while putting his arm around my waist.

We finally look at everyone else and they all came to congratulate us. Until dad arrived.

-Before you say something, I have another gift for you.

I gave him the box and he opened it. It was a little baby t-shirt with written on it "Are you ready to be an Iron Grand dad ?" He looked at it and he began to cry too.

-Oh dad tell me there are happy tears.

-Yes ! I love you so muck my little munchkin.

He hugged me and we cried together. I couldn't describe the wonderful feeling I had for the moment.

We all talked about it and went to the event. Tom and I weren't in the same room but I couldn't wait to talk about it with him when we would be at home.

Time skip :

Finally it was over and I felt really tired, it was a really big day. I joined Tom and we went into the car hand in hand. Tom proposed to drive so I could sleep during the hour of travel we had and that is what we did. It was a really great idea.

We arrived and I was still sleepy so Tom picked me up bridal style to go in our place. He put me on the sofa and I fell asleep again.

I woke up one hour later and Tom was preparing the dinner. I stood so I could go with him. I went and hugged his back with my arms around his torso.

-Did you sleep well darling ?

-Yes. What are you preparing ?

-Some pastas. I hope you don't mind I did simple tonight.

-Of course not.

He finished and we ate the pastas. I took a normal plate and when I finished I planned on cleaning it but Tom decided no.

-Hey ! You have to eat more than that. You are eating for two.

-I am not really hungry anymore.

-So you are still a little.

I sighed and he smiled. He was right so he took my plate and put pastas again. We ate again and this time I was full. He said he would clean all and I took a shower during this time. Tom took his when I was putting my pajamas on. We went on our sofa again and it was finally the conversation I waited for.

-Can I ask you some question about your baby ?

-It is your baby too Tom.

-Oh gosh that is so good when you say it. About our baby.

-Everything you want to know love.

-How many time ? I mean is there a risk of losing it ?

-Three months. The risk is really low now.

-So I got you pregnant in March, okay thanks. Boy or girl ?

-We will know that in a few days my love. If you want to know, it is no problem if you want to wait.

-Oh no please ! I don't want to wait ! When is the due ?

-December 31st.

-Can I go with you to see the ultrasounds ? If you are comfortable with it.

-Of course Tom. Do you want to know the gender right there or having a gender reveal ? We could invite your parents so.

-Oh ! I forgot to tell my parents ! Ok let's do it so they will have both news at the same time. Mom will be so happy.

-Ok, I will ask Eli, Z and Haz to prepare it for in two weeks. Do you want to choose how to reveal or are we lazy and going to let them choose.

-Let them choose but tell them we want something peculiar, not the thing with the cakes, etc. Too much common for us.

-Good idea.

We finished the conversation and went to bed. We cuddled like usual but this time Tom put his hand on my stomach, caressing it carefully.

Words count : 1054

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now