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Ps : we reached 400 reads guys, this is so insane ! Thank you so so much ! ❤

Two months later :

I reached my fifth month and everything was still fine. My morning sickness ended and the only negative thing I had is that I sleep everytime.

We decided to announce it on social media, so when we were outside, I wouldn't feel stressed about people finding out.

I had a belly and it felt so weird ! Some of my clothes didn't fit me anymore but I couldn't care less, it was a love sign. Tom found me beautiful with this bigger belly. We were now lying on the sofa and we were eating lasagnas when I felt something Tom. I sat really quick, wondering what was going on through my body. 

-Y/N, darling, are you okay ?

-Yes, I am but something feels weird.

-Is everything alright for the baby ?!

-Yes, it stopped. Well, nevermind...

-Ok, let's continue to eat.

-What the fuck ?! Again ?! 

-What ??

I took his hand to put it on my belly where I felt something. He seemed really focused on the situation but it stopped again. He was going to remove his hand but I kept it there.

-OH ! Tom, she is kicking !!! 

-This is so cool ! I felt it oh my gosh ! Can- Can I talk to her ?

-Of course Tom.

He sat on the floor and I removed my t-shirt off of my baby bump so he could really feel everything.

-Hello my baby girl. I am your daddy, I bet you feel comfortable in mommy. I can't wait for you to arrive little chaos, no worries, you will have a name soon I promise. I am sure you will love it here. You have lovely grandparents and I will show you everything in London !

-Tom, the more you talk, the more she kicks. It means she recognizes your voice.

-Already ?! Oh this is fantastic. But I have to say that I am sorry Y/N.

-Why ?

-I lied when I said you would always be the only one. I love her so much already.

He sat next to me and we kissed again. I felt so happy of how my life was for the moment.

1 month later :

I was at my 6th month already and we couldn't find any names...

-Maybe we could name her after you ?

-Oh no ! I never liked the name Y/N.

-Your name is one of the most beautiful sound to my ears.


We laughed and continued to search but we couldn't find "the one". So we did a little list of our favorite names and we decided to wait for the feeling the day when she will born.

Everything was still fine but my hormones were really funny. My emotions were so dramatic, even more than usual ! Tom laughed at it but not me.

-Why are you crying my love ?

-I- I am just so fat like this and to think that I will be even more the next months is killing me.

-But Y/N... You are pregnant, it is normal, nothing bad...

-Nothing bad ?! You will leave me I know it. I wouldn't want to be my own wife with how fat I look now.

He laughed so I cried even more that day. He felt so much guilt after that he let me eat ice cream and choose the movie.

As our flat in London was really far from everything and that no one really knew where it was except us, we decided to go there for the end of my pregnancy. Dad, mom and the kids would come the last month for winter break. I was really happy to be able to relax for the last months of the adventure.

Here, in USA, we already did the room for the baby. We private the Ikea shop just for us and the people that were helping so we would not be overwhelmed by others. We loved our fans really much but some moments, we just need to be alone.

We did the walls a pale yellow and we did a simple bedroom with just what she would need. We knew we had a lot of money but we wanted our child to not be spoiled and to learn that nothing would arrive like that. Of course we would buy her some books, toys, etc. But if she wants more thing, she will have to learn to earn money like a normal family would.

We did the same room in London but with a little bit more things as we would live here for at least five months. We would come back when she will be 2 months old but with a private jet. A little bit iconic with what we want her to learn but so she can meet everyone there too, plus... she won't remember it...

The airport was a bit complicated, we thought that going during the night would help but no... We had to hire some bodyguards because some people wouldn't understand that we need privacy too. Tom did some photos but explained that I couldn't do any because I was really tired for the moment. Some were really kind and wished us a happy life but some called me selfish bitch because I wouldn't accept.

Time skip :

We arrived in London and we took a taxi to arrive at our place. When I said we did the room, I lied a little bit, Harrison and the Holland family did it and they did a really great job.

We invited them to stay with us the day and Harry and Nikki did some great photos for us. We all decided to watch a movie together except Nikki and Dom went home because they had to work the next day. We all decided to watch a Harry Potter movie and I cried again... Tom paused the movie when he noticed

-Awe... What is it now ?


-What ? He is perfectly fine love.

-No, we don't see him much in the movie.

-It is because they didn't need him more.

-And do you think someone thought about his feelings ? No ! Poor cat, maybe he wanted to be a movie star...

They all laughed and I began to laugh too, I was being ridiculous but it was so funny.

At that moment, when we all laughed together, I knew my baby girl would be the happiest on the entire world.

Words count : 1102

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now