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I woke up in mine and Tom's bed. I wondered what happened until I remembered and began to hyperventilate. I felt someone taking my cheeks and I jumped until I noticed it was Tom. I started to cry because I felt overwhelmed and Tom took me in his arms while he was shushing. After five minutes I stopped and looked at the paper again. She said the truth.

-She said everything to me. 

Tom said aware of what to say and how saying things to me. I nodded, not wanting to talk about it at all. All I asked was if Robert saw her.

-No, he was in his room. When he came back she was gone. I said you fainted because you didn't eat enough that day. He helped me taking you here and went to set so he could finish his scenes.

-I don't want to see him anymore.

-You should talk to him.

-No and I don't want to talk about it anymore. I am gonna take ice cream. You want some ?

He said no and I went to take some. Our fridge was super full because it was Christmas next week. We were supposed to do it with the Downey family but I am not sure I was still able to do it.

I stayed in bed all day with Tom, he asked for a day off saying I kept fainting every time. Maybe she did false papers. Maybe there was another Robert Downey Jr somewhere here. Unfortunately Tom was right, the only way I could know was talking to him but I don't know if there will be a right moment to do it.

We didn't finish the movie so we still had to do it. We went back to work the next day and I had to admit that it was way easier to play depressive Y/N Stark. I did all my scenes, feeling empty. I was like a robot doing what I had to do without an emotion. I sighed when we finally arrived home but I still was a robot. Eat, talk, shower, sleep, wake up.

The next day when I was on set for the last scene. I saw a figure coming. I turned around to pick something behind me but I stopped everything when I heard "Hellooo little kids. I came with coffee !!!" I knew this voice and it was one I didn't want to talk to.

I turned around and I chose to ignore him. Tom didn't say anything. Even tho I was grateful to see I could really trust him, I wished he would tell Robert what we knew. When he arrived at my spot I quickly said I wanted to talk to him so we went in my room (which was the same one as always) and I asked Tom to come with us, I couldn't do that alone.

-Okay munch, tell me about it !

I took the paper Betty gave me and give it to him.

-Is she telling the truth ?

I saw his eyes changing every time he read another word.


-So it is true. Everything make sense now ! Why you were weird after I told you my story, why you were so protective after it, why it was so easy to play your daughter, it is because I am actually your daughter ! God you knew it you sent her a mail ! You knew it and you said nothing to me !

He wasn't saying anything. I could see some tears but I didn't want to say something neither so I decided to just take my bag and to go home. I went in the car waiting for Tom. He came back five minutes later, sighing.

-Did he say something ?

-Yeah, but more to himself than to me. He said "what did i do?" I said he fucked up and that I would see him soon. He wants me to convince you to accept a meeting. He wants to explain himself.

I didn't answer and I didn't know what to do. I decided it was okay to let me explain but it would be now. I didn't want to think about it before seeing him again. Tom didn't start the car yet so I went out. I found Robert again.

-Ok, you have five minutes to explain yourself.

-Thank you... So when I learnt that your mom was pregnant and that I was the father I was a drug addict who was hooking up with different girls everything. I even went to jail ! I couldn't have a baby. Imagine the condition you would be in. But I have to be honest, there was not ONE day without thinking about you. God how I regret it you can't even imagine ! Please give me a chance and come at Christmas. Susan knows everything, she is really exciting to meet you. The kids know they have a big sister and-

-Slow down I am not ready for those words yet.


-Okay I will come but I can't promise anything. I have to go I feel way too much overwhelmed right now. Bye

He let me go with just a bye. And I began to cry when I was in the car again. Tom drove to go to the shop but I didn't know why. When he came back, I saw it was cookie dough Ice creams. I laughed and he kissed me saying everything would be okay. We went home and eat. Right after we went to bed and at this moment, in Tom's arms, I realized that my world was not falling apart because Tom IS my world.

Time skip :

We were Christmas Eve and I was nervous to spend the night with the Downey knowing that I was one. I didn't know what to do about the name but I decided to talk with Robert about it another time.

Time skip again :

We are now at the Downey's. Even tho it felt weird I was feeling good. Susan was great and Robert already treated me like a daughter but I was still keeping some distance between us. I didn't want to be hurt or disappointed. I heard little voices saying :

-Is it you ? Are you our big sister ?

When the kids arrived, my mind switched and I suddenly felt bad. I realized. This guys are your family Y/N. There are your siblings, you are a big sister and the guy who played your dad all those years really is your dad.

-I am sorry but I can't do this, it is too much, Tom you can stay but I will go home I am so sorry. Susan it was great to meet you.

I went in the car and I started it. Until I noticed my phone was going crazy. I couldn't believe what was on it. I left the father paper in my room. And someone sent it to news.

My life was so screwed.

Words count : 1178

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now