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My ears were ringing. I heard that Tom was yelling my name but my mind wouldn't register it. He took my arm.

-Get off of me !

-Y/N let me explain !

-Let me go.

I was now sobbing.

-Please let me go...

I begged, he was crying too. But when he dared to look me in the eyes he let me go of my arm. I began to run again. I took the first taxi and then the first plane.

When I finally arrived home, I took all my stuff without even hesitating and went. I didn't know where to go until I thought about my true family that would never give up on me.

I drove while still sobbing and I knocked at my dad's door. I knew for sure he was alone today. I began to knock like crazy.

-The hell let me the time to come. What i- ?

He took me in his arms and took my luggage. He led me to the sofa and tried to shush me.

-Y/N my sweet munchkin what happened ?

I tried to compose myself so I could explain but it was difficult.

-It's Tom !

-Tom ?! Something happened to him ?

-No... He- he cheated on me.

-Excuse me what ?

I finally explained everything to him and he was hugging me the all-time. I fell asleep because I was too tired and he picked me up bridal style to a room he designed for me just in case and he removed all the photos that Tom was in. Susan came with the kids and Robert explained that I would stay for a moment.

I woke up some days later because there were yelling. I went downstairs and it was Tom trying to speak to me but dad wouldn't let him in. I tapped on dad's shoulder to show it was okay, that I will handle it.

-You have exactly two minutes to talk and you leave me alone after those.

-Y/N. It is not what you are thinking. I avoided her all the three months. Even acting is difficult for me. She tried to kiss me the day you came and I rejected her. I asked if I could finish earlier and they said I had just two days more so this is why I am here only now. I took a nap and when I woke up I saw her. I swear I don't know what she was doing there. Y/N you know I wouldn't do that to you.


-Say something please...

-You promised me I wouldn't lose you. You lied.

And with that I closed the door, crying again.

The next weeks were like a bad drama movie. I was home all day until the night where I would go to the club and drink. It made me forget. One day, dad took me to see a doctor because he was tired of me drunk.

-Y/N I know it is hard okay ? But you have to try to move on baby...

-I can't, I tried.

-Why are you saying you can't ?

-Because I am in love with him dad.

And I began to cry again. I stopped drinking but I was still depressive.

Tom tried to contact me every day. I saw the messages but never answered. It hurts so much.

I was receiving tons of DMs asking where Tom was. We didn't say anything to the medias. It would make it official and real. Until one day I received a DM that really kept my attention because it was from Rose. And there were 2 messages. One from before the day and one after.

Rose : Dear Y/N, for more than three years I watched you with my man, but you will end soon. I still love him and I know deep inside of him, he still loves me too. I got the role of his lover. You really think he will still love you after this ? You should prepare yourself.

Rose : And that's it. You are so naive Y/N. It took me a minute to come in his bed when he was sleeping because I knew you were coming. Don't ask why I just have my contacts. Bye bye Tom and Y/N, welcome back Tom and Rose.

Me: I can't believe you could be this psycho. I am going to see him. I will save what we had and you can't do anything about it snake slut.

Rose : I wouldn't do that if I were you...

I was taking my keys and my coat so I could head to his home. My home. Our home.

Me : Tom she told me everything, don't move from the house, I am coming. I am so sorry that I believed her I love you.

I went in the car and I began to drive to our address. I was so thankful that finally everything would be alright. I began to smile but all of a sudden everything went black.

Rose : Told you so...

Words count : 846

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now