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I went back home and Tom came back with me. I didn't want him to. He had fun and he should have enjoyed it instead of coming with my depressive ass. I quickly changed my mind when I understood I needed someone to be with me.

-What happened ? Why did you suddenly feel like this ?

-I thought I could be able to welcome him like my dad in my life but when I saw his children my mind switched. Why would he raised them and not me ?

-Did you try to contact Indio ?

-Who ?

-Indio. He is his first son, born the same year as us. He told me about him once. No worries, he didn't raise him, they met some years ago. His story is a bit like yoursso you two should talk.

I thought about it and decided it was a good idea. So I contacted Susan, I knew she wouldn't tell Robert if I asked so and she gave me his number. I didn't know how to start the conversation. It wasn't correct to just say "Hi I am your sister, I discovered it some years ago can we meet and talk ?" No I couldn't do that ! After a lot of time thinking I finally sent a text.

Me : Hi I am Y/N. I hope you don't mind but Susan gave me your number. I bet you saw the news... I was wondering if we could meet to talk a bit.

Indio Downey : Hi ! Yes I saw it. It is okay I accept. I hope I will be able to help you in this mess... Maybe we could meet tomorrow morning ? I know it is Christmas but so we can taste Christmas biscuits !

Me : That works for me ! Thank you for being so kind.

I turned off my phone and decided to order some pizzas for Tom and I. I felt so bad that he had to cancel the fun night for me so I ordered his favorite one. He was on the sofa watching some shows when the delivery man arrived. I went to the door and surprised Tom with it.

-Tada ! Just for you my love !

-Can you explain what I did to deserve you ? The best thing that ever happened to me. Ohhhh you took my favorite one

I smiled as we kissed multiple times. We both went on the sofa and put a Christmas movie while eating our pizzas. When we finished, we cuddled until midnight when we heard the bells telling us it was Christmas.

-Oh Tom ! We didn't respect the tradition... We were supposed to go to sleep early so we could open our gifts the morning.

-We are bad kids.

-Maybe we could continue breaking the tradition. Let's not be kids anymore and we could go in the bedroom.

He raised an eyebrow and picked me up bridal style. We laughed a lot and you know what happened next.

The next day :

I was feeling good after the night Tom and I had. The more we were together, the more I thought he could be the love of my life even tho we were together for only nine months. I prepared myself to go to the meeting I had with Indio. I put some Christmas songs in my car on the way there. It was weird because I was not feeling nervous for once. I arrived and I saw him on a little empty shop.

-Hi I am Y/N.

-Oh hi ! I hope you don't mind I took a Christmas donut for you ?

-Perfect thank you. Merry Christmas by the way.

-Merry Christmas.

-So... How can I help you today ? No worries you don't have to tell me your story. Dad told me everything on the phone some days ago.

-Oh thank goodness! Well I heard you called him dad and I wondered how you reacted about him and how did you do ?

-Just like you, he decided to not have a child because of all his problems. I was luckier because my mom was able to keep me and I am thankful for it. She always told me that my dad was a soldier and that he died before I was born. But when I turned 18, I wanted to know if it was true so I contacted military medical center to see if they could find the same DNA as mine. They couldn't so I went to my mom and we had a big argument, she wouldn't tell me ! She finally told me that it was him. I have to admit that at the beginning I didn't believe her, it seemed unreal but she had a photo of them younger. He knew about me so my mom allowed me to contact him. I was just like you at the beginning, with the kids etc. It took me the whole month to accept the situation. But I remembered how bad I wanted to know my dad so I gave him a chance, and it was the best thing I did in my entire life. I even call him dad and he treat me like nothing ever happened, I took the name Downey just so it was more official. I know your life was way harder than mine but I can only encourage you to give him a chance. I can accept another sister in my heart even tho we don't have nine months between us, what seems weird.

-I think you are right, I will give him a chance. Thank you for everything and I will see you soon ?

-Yeah of course.

We hugged each other and I went back home after sending Robert a text.

Me : I think I am ready to give you a chance to be my dad. Please don't be too fast, I need time. I hope I can meet my siblings properly soon. Have a nice day. :-)

Words count : 1012

"I'm so screwed..." a Tom Holland x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now