The Bonds Of Friends

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Braeden's POV

The school day was going smoothly, and now it was time for me to go to World History, the class that I had with Emily.

Once I got there, she was already in the classroom and waved to me. I waved back as I went to go take my seat next to her.

"Hii." She greeted me.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"So um, today we probably actually should start working on the project. We can get maybe 20 minutes of work in before the assembly." She said.

"Assembly?" I asked. I had no idea there even was an assembly today.

"Yeah, we have a school assembly today to talk about our futures." She said. "You didn't know?"

I shook my head.

"Guess I'm not too caught up these days." I sweat dropped which made her laugh.

Finally the bell began to ring signaling for class to start up and Mrs. Magnolia walked into the room.

"Good afternoon class. Today you will have the first 10 minutes of class to work on your projects, then we'll head to the assembly. When we come back work on your projects until the bell rings. You may begin." Mrs. Magnolia said.

"So I learned some things about Dialga and Palkia." Emily started to speak.

"Okay let's hear it." I replied.

She began talking about how they came into existence and how they controlled time and space. While she was speaking I couldn't help but admire her. She's so smart and kind. I'm confused by these feelings that I have for her. I've never felt like this towards anyone before, I have no idea what it means.

"...But at the same time a third Pokémon came into existence called Giratina." She finished.

"Oh I know about Giratina. It was banished from our world because it was too violent." I said. I remembered my dad telling me about Giratina, Dialga and Palkia.

"Banished by Arceus." She said.

"Yup exactly." I replied.

"Perfect." She smiled. "We're going to do so good."

A loud beep came from the intercom in our classroom.

"Attention all teachers and students, please start bringing your classes to the auditorium. Thank you." A woman's voice came through on the intercom.

"Let's go class, single file to the auditorium." Mrs. Magnolia said as the class began leaving the room. Emily walked with me.

"You know you never did tell me what your goal is." I said to her.

"Oh... um, yours is to compete in the Junior tournament right?" She said.

I wonder why she won't tell me.

"Yes... but you already knew that, I wanna know about you!" I said with a smile.

"I don't know..." She said.

"Oh come on there's gotta be something." I bothered her.

She sighed.

"Fine, I want to do Pokémon showcases." She replied.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's when a trainer and their Pokémon perform for a crowd of people. Like Pokémon contests but without the battling part." She said.

My face lit up.

"You'll be great at that!" I exclaimed and Emily looked surprised.

"R-Really?" She said.

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