Explosive Pep Rally Cup! Part 1!

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Braeden's POV

I woke up earlier than I thought. It was still dark outside and Jolteon was still asleep. My throat was on fire but I ran out of water bottles in my room, so I got up to go get some water.

As I walked to the cafe in the darkness, I found water bottles in the fridge. I grabbed one, opened it up, and chugged it til my throat felt better. I exhaled as I tossed the water bottle into the trash can and started going back to my room.

"A Pokémon egg left by Zapdos?! That's magnificent!" I heard a voice that sounded like it was coming from a phone or a laptop. I decided to go check it out.

I walked closer to the source, and saw Dylan sitting in front a laptop in the computer room. He was video calling with someone.

"Thanks professor, but it hasn't shown any signs of hatching soon, I'll hold on to it until it does, but is it alright if I send you Lycanroc for my Ursaring?" Dylan said.

Who in the world is he talking to?

"That'll be just fine." The voice on the computer screen spoke.

Dylan place his Poké next to the transporter, and a light beamed down on the ball as it disappeared. The light then returned and beamed down on the desk as a new Poké Ball took the old ones spot.

"Thanks professor." Dylan said.

"Of course! Good luck in the tournament!"

Dylan then shut the computer off and turned around, he immediately noticed me.

"Braeden you scared me." He laughed. "What are you doing up?"

"I got too excited for the tournament and woke up too early." I said. "Who were you talking to?"

"The professor from my home region. All of my Pokémon are there and I wanted to switch out my Lycanroc for my Ursaring." Dylan spoke as the two of us began leaving.

"It's so cool that you have so many different kinds of Pokémon." I told him.

Dylan rubbed the back of his head.

"I've been training for a while." He said.

"Do you think you're ready to battle Caroline?" I asked him.

Dylan made a fist.

"I have to be. I won't lose to her. I can't let her get away with how she trains her Pokémon." Dylan said.

"Dylan... what's your story? How are you so strong?" I asked him.

"My first Pokémon was my Incineroar, who was just a Litten at the time. But Litten was abandoned by its trainer. So I took it in. Ever since then we've been partners." Dylan said.

"That's why you were so mad at Caroline." I said.

Dylan nodded his head.

"People who abandon their Pokémon don't deserve to be trainers." He said.

"So how did you get so strong?" I asked him.

Dylan laughed.

"That's enough stories for today." He said.

The entire gymnasium boomed with the voices of students as we waited for the Pep Rally to begin. My friend group and I all sat together. Savannah and Emily were there too as well as Jayden. Tensions were high as we understood that today we were all rivals.

Confetti flew into the air as loud crackles and pops filled the gymnasium. Smoke machines began to send smoke through the air and disco lights flew around.

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