Closer Than You Think!

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Emily's POV

I was in World History class with Braeden. He seemed sad, and I wondered if it was about Dylan.

I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Hey." He fake smiled.

"Are you sad about Dylan?" I asked.

He let out a big sigh and stopped his fake happy act.

"I understand why he left, but I just wish he didn't have to." He said with a sad expression on his face.

I rubbed his back.

"Dylan will be okay, you know how strong he is." I said giving him a smile.

"Yeah... yeah you're right! Now I've got to focus on becoming stronger so that I can be a proper rival to him. I'll meet him in the Masters Tournament! But first... I've got to crush Gabe in our 4 on 4." Braeden said making a fist. "Right Jolteon?"

"Jolt!" Jolteon barked.

"And I'll definitely be there." I smiled.

I really did admire Braeden and his determination, I can't imagine how difficult the battle program must be, and the kinds of things Braeden went through training with Shaq. But... what about me? My final performance exam still isn't for a while, I've been training with Savannah but I still get nervous when I think about my final performance.

"Emily?" Braeden said as he looked at me.

"O-Oh I'm sorry, I guess I dozed off to my thoughts." I sweat dropped.

"Y-Yeah, I guess so." Braeden said.

I looked over and noticed Tuco sitting by himself, doodling on the table.

"Hey Braeden?" I said to him.

"Yeah? What's up?" He responded.

"Do you think it would be a bad idea if I challenged Tuco to a battle?" I asked him.

"You wanna battle Tuco?!" Braeden exclaimed loudly.

"Shhh!" I said trying to quiet him down.

"Sorry..." He sweat dropped. "But why do you want to challenge him?"

"I've been doubting myself recently and I'm not sure why. But Tuco is one of the top performers in the school, if I can beat him maybe I'll feel better about myself." I told him.

"Emily you're one of the top performers in the school too. Remember you got the highest score during your second exam?" He said.

"Yeah but-like-ugh! I don't know! Do you think I should do it or not?" I asked.

"Definitely! I'll even come and watch you!" Braeden said with excitement.

"Thank you! Can you um... come with me to go ask...?" I nervously said.

Braeden stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Come on!" He said as he started to drag me over to Tuco.

"B-Braeden you don't have to pull me!" I nervously said.

We reached Tuco in no time.

"Hey Tuco!" Braeden said.

"Braeden! Emily! How's my favorite couple?" Tuco asked.

Braeden's face turned red and I felt my face heat up.

"W-We aren't-" I started.

"Emily and I a-aren't dating-" Braeden said.

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