Trade Exchange Evolution!

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3rd Person POV

"It's great to hear from you again!" Mrs. Marrow said.

It was early Monday morning, and a new week of school started today. Mrs. Marrow was talking to someone on the phone.

"It's great hearing from you too. So how is he?" The mystery person said.

"He's doing great! Straight A's, and a strong battler, great friends, he's even making a name for himself." Mrs. Marrow said.

"Is that so? I have a request I'd like to ask."

"And what's that?" Mrs. Marrow said.

"When are the third exams?"

"In about a week. Right before the school dance and winter break." Said Mrs. Marrow.

"Would it be alright if I gave him his exam? I'd love to see how far he's come."

"Oh wow! A PM Academy alumni and someone who beat all of the Hoenn gym leaders, as well as the elite four, his only lost being against the champion, wants to battle him for his exam? Don't you think that's a little unfair? You even beat Maverick Kaplan back when he was apart of Hoenn's Elite Four." Said Mrs. Marrow.

The person on the phone laughed.

"Don't worry, that was over 20 years ago, I'm nowhere near as strong as was back then... but I'm sure I could still beat my own son in a battle!"

"Don't underestimate him! He's made a name for himself at PM Academy! He even made it to semifinals in the Pep Rally Cup!" Mrs. Marrow said.

"Then I guess I have no reason to hold back!"

Braeden's POV

"XENO YOOO!!" Milli excitedly said.

"Wassup little brother! How goes the school life?" Xeno replied.

Preston and I were in the computer room with Milli. He said he wanted us to meet his big brother. I remember Milli said he researches Mega Evolution and even has a red Gyarados.

"It's going great! Check it out! I've already got 2 exam seals!" Milli said as he flashed his exam seals on the screen.

"Nice! I'm super proud of ya! And I see you've made some friends?" Xeno said looking at us.

Xeno looked tall and had skin darker than mine. He wore glasses but they almost looked like shades and he had a fade haircut.

"Nice to meet you Xeno. I'm Braeden." I smiled. "This is my partner Jolteon."

"Jolt!" Jolteon barked.

"And I'm Preston. Nice to meet ya!" Said Preston.

"Braeden, and Preston. Do you love this world?" Xeno asked.

"I do! I think the Pokémon world is a beautiful place. A place where people and Pokémon can find their dreams and live together." I said.

"I love this world too! It's a gorgeous planet." Said Preston.

"But don't you think the world could be so much more? Infinite power. Infinite energy. That's what my research is about. Seeing what kind of power is released into the air during Mega Evolution and using that power for the good of the world!" Xeno smiled.

"You're the coolest big bro!" Milli said.

Xeno laughed.

"Well I've gotta get going, my research team and I are heading out to go gather more data. It was great meeting you Braeden and Preston. Study hard Milli!" Xeno said, then he hung up.

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