Exam Week Begins! Emily's Test!

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Braeden's POV

Today was the start of exams, but not for those in the battle course. For the people who are pursuing Pokémon showcases, which means today was Emily's exam. The way the showcase exams worked, was the students in the showcase program were to perform in front of the school, like it was a real performance. However, it was optional for students to attend.

I was wondering how Emily was feeling, so I woke up early in the morning to go check on her. I let Jolteon sleep and left him in my room.

Once I reached Emily's room, I knocked on her door. A few moments went by before she opened it, and I marveled at the sight of her. She was wearing a light blue dress that came up short above her knees and stopping at the middle of her thighs. Her long black hair flowed down past her shoulders and her eye lashes were longer than usual.

"Emily you look-" I started but she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into her room.

"Can you help me?" She exclaimed as she stood in front of her mirror brushing her long hair.

"With...?" I asked. My heart was racing.

She put her brush down, and reached over to her counter and picked up a golden necklace with a heart pendant on it.

"Could you put this around me?" She asked.

My heart began beating faster than Jolteon's quick attack.

"But-" I started.

"Please? There's no time." She said as she kept frantically brushing her hair.

"Alright." I said.

I stood behind her and began locking the necklace around her neck. It took me a minute to connect the clip, but when I got it she turned around to look at me.

"Okay, how do I look?" She asked.

"Y-You look good. Really good." I said to her.

She gave a sweet smile.

"Aw thank you." She said as she started grabbing her Poké Balls. "So why did you come?"

"I came to make sure you weren't freaking out or anything, and to wish good luck. But it seems like you're doing alright." I sweat dropped.

"Yup! I'm ready for this, I've been practicing with Jayden, and I even got to practice with Braixen some last night." She confidently said.

I smiled at Emily's confidence.

"Awesome, then I'll be there watching you." I told her.

"Thank you Braeden." She smiled. "Now get out so I can finish getting ready."

I laughed as she began pushing me out of her room.

The time was 8:07 am. The showcase started at 9:00 am. I began heading back to my room to start getting dressed.

I got my usual clothes on, and then I decided to wake Jolteon up.

"Hey Jolteon, wanna go see Emily's performance?" I asked him.

"Jolt!" Jolteon happily barked as he stood up. He had started becoming good friends with Emily's Spheal and her Eevee. It was adorable.

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