The Clash For Finals! Blu vs Gabe!

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Blu's POV

I walked down the long corridor. I was nervous... I've never battled Gabe before. I want to be the one that beats Braeden in finals... I have to be the one! But he beat Dylan, and Braeden's never beaten him. If I couldn't beat Braeden I don't stand a chance against Gabe...

Braeden's POV

After Milli and I got our Pokémon healed, we headed back to our friends to watch Blu's battle.

"Braeden!" Said Hector when he noticed me.

My friends all turned around with excitement when they saw Milli and me.

Emily was the first to get up and she wrapped me in a warm hug.

"That was such an amazing battle!" She said her green eyes sparkling which made my face heat up.

"Thanks Em." I smiled.

"Jolt!" Jolteon barked.

Emily gave Jolteon a rub on the head.

"Of course you did great too Jolteon." She smiled.

"That battle was so incredible guys! You're both so strong!" Said Lee.

"10/10! Fantastic match!" Said Dj.

"Both of you have come such a long way since the PM days! That battle was worthy of semifinals!" Said Dylan.

"And now you two are some of the strongest trainers in our region!" Said Preston.

"Awesome battle! Jolteon vs Infernape was my favorite!" Said Shimon.

"Thank you guys." Milli smiled. "Although I lost, I had fun."

"Now to see who Braeden faces in finals." Said Savannah as we sat down.

"Our last semifinal battle is here! Blu vs Gabe!" Said Lenny as the two of them stood on the platforms and the battlefield started to rise up.

"You can do it Blu...!" Jayden nervously said.

Blu's POV

"Blu vs Gabe! Competing head-to-head in our second semifinal battle! Each trainer will have the use of 6 Pokémon, and substitutions are allowed. When all 6 of either trainer's Pokémon are unable to continue, the battle will be over! When either side has lost 3 Pokémon, the battlefield will change. Trainers, please bring out your first Pokémon!" The referee said.

"Go Breloom!" I said as I threw out my Poké Ball and Breloom appeared.

"Loom!" Breloom said.

"Electivire." Gabe said as he threw out his Poké Ball and Electivire appeared.

Okay! Electric type moves aren't very effective on Breloom! I can win this first match, and at the very least I won't get 6-0'd!

"Battle begin!" Said the referee.

"Breloom use energy ball!" I yelled.

"Loom!" Breloom cried as it hurled a grassy energy ball at Electivire.

"Use fire punch." Gabe said.

"Vire!" Electivire said as its fist became wrapped in flames and it punched the energy ball.

"Vire!" Electivire said as its fist became wrapped in flames and it punched the energy ball

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