Dylan's Strength

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Braeden's POV

"You... want a battle?" Dylan said.

"Yeah! Right here! Right now!" Said Shimon.

Dylan was silent for a few moments.

"Why...?" He asked.

"I've been training hard, and I think I've got what it takes to beat the guy with best entrance exam." Said Shimon.

Dylan smiled.

"Then Shimon, I accept your challenge!" Dylan said.

Shimon's eyes lit up.

"Yeah! Let's go right now!" Shimon said.

"Okay!" Dylan agreed.

Dylan and Shimon ran out of the school and our group followed behind them.

"Hey guys also, I caught a Croconaw today!" Blu said.

"Oh no way! Can we see?" Milli asked while we ran behind Dylan and Shimon.

"Uh... it's not really my biggest fan." Said Blu.

"What's that mean?" Dj asked.

"It doesn't like him. Oh, and I caught a Luxray alongside him." Said Preston.

"Woah! Everyone's been busy today!" I said.

We finally reached the outside, and made it to the battlefield. Dylan and Shimon wasted no time standing on opposite sides of the battlefield.

"Man... they sure are eager." Said Blu.

"I'm pretty excited." Milli started. "This is my first time seeing Dylan in battle."

"This will be good." Said Preston.

"Do your best guys!" Lee yelled.

"Gastrodon give me a hand!" Shimon said as he threw out his Poké Ball, and his Gastrodon appeared.

"Nice! So Shimon has a Gastrodon." I said.

"You think Dylan's going to use Incineroar?" Lee asked.

Dylan then pulled out a Poké Ball.

"Could be Tyranitar!" Said Dj.

"Staraptor let's go!" Dylan said as he threw out his Poké Ball, and a powerful looking Staraptor emerged from it.

"A Staraptor... this will be an interesting battle." Said Blu.

"You can have the first move!" Dylan shouted to Shimon.

Shimon nodded his head and the battle began.

"Gastrodon use muddy water!" Shimon yelled.

Brown murky water began swirling underneath Gastrodon as it got ready to attack.

"Staraptor use quick attack!" Dylan yelled.

"Star!" Dylan Staraptor said as it took off at blinding speeds towards Gastrodon, and rammed into it before it could use muddy water.

"Star!" Dylan Staraptor said as it took off at blinding speeds towards Gastrodon, and rammed into it before it could use muddy water

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