Agency, Agency

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Braeden's POV

Winter break was over and it was now the start of a new year. It hurt leaving my dad all alone in the hospital while he fought his battle with cancer, but he wanted me to go back and continue the path to the Masters Tournament.

I got back to school late at night and the first person that came to my mind was Emily. I wondered how her winter break and Christmas ended up being... but deep down I missed her a lot. I was planning to meet with the guys in the lounge but I tucked my keystone into my shirt because I wanted to surprise them and see their reaction. I left Jolteon to sleep in my room.

As I neared the lounge I could hear my friends voices and when I turned the corner my heart exploded with joy to see them all.

I was surprised to see Emily there and her eyes lit up when she turned around and saw me.

"Braeden!" She said as she ran to me and threw herself onto me with a big hug.

I laughed and hugged her back.

"Hey Emily." I smiled.

"How was your Christmas?" She asked.

My heart sank when I thought of my dad, but I didn't want her to notice.

"It was fun. How was yours?" I asked.

"It was good!" She smiled.

"It's Braeden!" Said Dylan.

"Yo Braeden!" I heard Milli's voice.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed.

"Good to see you again." Lee said.

"Yeah welcome back!" Savannah said who was sitting in Lee's lap.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Shimon, Hector, Dj, Preston, Blu, and Jayden all greeted me as well and eventually we all sat down to talk about our breaks.

"So... who wants to go first?" Savannah said.

"Me!" Jayden excitedly said as she stood and made Blu stand up with her. "Blu and I are dating now!"

Blu smiled and his face turned red.

"No way?! You finally sealed the deal Blu?" Shimon said.

"Y-Yeah I guess so... but that's not all! Check this out!" Blu said as he opened up his Poké Ball.

"Gatr!" A Feraligatr yelled.

"Your Croconaw evolved?" Said Preston. "It stopped trying to kill you?"

"That's a bummer." Lee joked and we all laughed.

"But seriously that's great!" Said Shimon.

"Yeah nice work Blu!" Said Dj.

"It's about time you finally got with Jayden." Hector said.

"Congrats on Feraligatr Blu! Oh and Jayden too." I said.

"Thanks guys." Blu sweat dropped as he returned his Feraligatr to its Poké Ball.

"I guess I'll go next." Milli said. "I got to watch my brother battle against the champion of Galar!"

"Woah! You got to watch Lavon battle?! Did he use Charizard?" Said Hector.

"Yeah and my brother used his Gyarados. They even used Dynamax bands." Milli said.

"Dynamax bands huh... the Dynamax phenomenon is pretty crazy that must've been cool." Said Dylan.

"Did your brother win?" Shimon asked.

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