Junior Tournament Battle Heat!

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Braeden's POV

"Ludicolo rain dance!" Carson yelled.

"Ludiiiiii!" Ludicolo shouted to the sky, and a big rain cloud covered the battlefield.

"Ludiiiiii!" Ludicolo shouted to the sky, and a big rain cloud covered the battlefield

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"Ludicolo's making it rain!" Lenny said.

"Uh oh... this could be bad." Said Blu.

"How come?" Hector asked.

"That's right! Ludicolo has the ability swift swim." Mercedes said.

"Swift swim?" Savannah asked.

"Ludicolo's speed is increased when it rains." Said Dylan. "Preston could be in for a rough time."

"That won't stop him. He's got this." I said.

"Lucario aura sphere!" Preston yelled.

"Raaa!" Lucario said as it began using aura sphere.

"Hydro pump let's go!" Carson said.

"Colo!" Ludicolo fired hydro pump immediately, and it blasted Lucario before it could fire aura sphere, sending it flying.

"Colo!" Ludicolo fired hydro pump immediately, and it blasted Lucario before it could fire aura sphere, sending it flying

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"Lucario is hit hard by a powerful hydro pump fired at max speed!" Lenny said.

"Hydro pump did even more damage because of the rain." Said Lee.

"Ludicolo's speed and the rain is a tough combination..." Said Shimon.

"Come on Preston!" Milli said.

"Don't give up!" I yelled.

"Jolt! Jolt!" Jolteon barked.

"You're fine Lucario!" Preston said.

"Ra!" Lucario said as it stood back up.

"Hydro pump again!" Carson yelled.

"Colo!" Ludicolo said firing hydro pump at high speeds.

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