Leaky Cauldron

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Eleven year old Marlene sat on the stool in front of Professor McGonagall and the entire school

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Eleven year old Marlene sat on the stool in front of Professor McGonagall and the entire school. She looked down and saw Zac sitting on the ground smiling at her.

The Sorting Hat was placed on her head, "Hmm...difficult. Plenty of skill, Talent, and a desire to prove yourself. But where to put you? Let's hope you're not as bad as your father. Better be...Gryffindor!"

There is an immense cheer and Marlene walked over to the Gryffindor table.

. . . . . . . .

"Zac Bletchley."

Marlene watched as Zac stood up and sat on the stool, "Ah, another Bletchley I know exactly what to do with you...Gryffindor!"

The students cheer as Zac walked over to the table and sat down next to Marlene, "That's made me feel a little less nervous."

. . . . . . . .

Marlene was laying down on the seat of the Train, when the door opened and Ron Weasley walked in, "Can I sit everywhere else is full."

"Go ahead. Zac decided to bail on me to go find some food." Marlene said

Ron sat down, "That sounds like him. I haven't seen you in a while where have you been?"

Marlene smiled and said, "I know. We've been around though. How is everyone?" 

"...Insane as usual. Charlie is back in Romania." Ron said and Marlene laughed

Just then the door opened again, "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full."

"No, not at all come on in." Ron said

The other person sat down and Ron said, "I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley."

"I'm Marlene Lupin." Marlene said

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Harry said

Marlene moved her head up and looked at Harry who was sitting at the end of her feet, "Potter? My dad was friends with your dad."

. . . . . . .

"You are not going to believe who I spent the ride with when you abandoned me." Marlene said as she walked over to Zac

Zac put his arm over her shoulder, "I didn't abandon you. I went to get food, then I abandoned you. Who did you spend the ride with?"

"Harry Potter."

. . . . . . .

Marlene woke up and saw Zac on the other end of the bed, Marlene kicked him and he quickly woke up, "Morning. You have your own bed, this is your house you know that right?"

"I know but I swear there are owls in the chimney they won't stop hooting it's annoying your room is quiet." Zac said

Marlene smiled as she sat up, "There are no owls in the chimney because it's a Floo network they'd be burnt to little owl pieces."

"Fine...the heating's broken and your room is the warmest." Zac said

Marlene nodded, "There it is." Marlene stood up and walked over to her suitcase

"Are you going to go to the Leaky Cauldron today?" Zac asked

Marlene nodded as she took out some clothes, "Yeah. Do you mind or you know you could just leave?"

Zac shook his head as he laid down on the bed and faced away from Marlene whilst she changed, there was then a knock on the door, "Everyone decent, dressed and awake?"

"Yes, yes and yes." Marlene said as she put a jacket on

The door opened and her father walked in, "Did you just...you know I am not even surprised by anything you two do anymore. Leaky Cauldron, then I will see you at school."

"Why will you see us at school?" Zac asked as he turned around

Remus smiled and said, "I got the teaching job."

"You got the job? How did you get the job?" Marlene asked

"Same reason you got into the school. Dumbledore has a soft spot for people like us. Well just us." Remus said

Marlene walked over to him and hugged him, "Now you two be careful okay? Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Remus kissed Marlene on the top of the head, "Good luck tonight. I wish I could be with you."

Marlene nodded, "I know."

. . . . . . . . .

The next day Marlene and Zac were sitting at a table in the Leaky Cauldron with Ron, Hermione and Harry, Fred and George walked over to them, "You're not showing that clipping again are you?" George asked

"I haven't shown anyone." Ron said

Fred picked up the newspaper, "No, not a soul. Not unless you count Tom. The day maid. The night maid."

"The Cook." Zac added

Marlene laughed and said, "The bloke who fixed the toilet."

"And that wizard from Belgium." Fred said as he and George walked around the table

Mr and Mrs Weasley then walked into the hall and Harry walked away with Mr Weasley.

Marlene stood up from the table and walked over to a wanted poster of Sirius Black.

Zac walked over to her and stood behind her, "You okay?"

Marlene nodded, "I've heard the good and the bad. I don't know what to believe."

"You believe what you want. Whatever your gut says is right you believe that." Zac said

Thank you for reading 


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