First Task

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Marlene walked down the stairs of the dorms and into the common room where Fred and George were sitting down

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Marlene walked down the stairs of the dorms and into the common room where Fred and George were sitting down.

When they saw her George stood up and said, "Whoa you don't look so good."

"Don't feel so good can one of you or both of you help me down to the medical wing please?" Marlene asked

The pair of them nodded as they walked over to her, "What's the matter?"

"The matter is I feel like my insides are being ripped out." Marlene said

. . . . . .   

"I should've made you stay. Good thing it's quiet today so no questions." Madame Pomfrey said as Marlene was sitting on a bed in the Medical Wing

Marlene gave her a look and said, "Really? You're giving me an I told you so. Now? Bad timing Poppy. Very bad timing." 

"People like you are people we know scarily little about. I wouldn't know what to do to make this better." Madame Pomfrey said 

Marlene groaned as she moved into a different position, "That doesn't help me. At all." 

Fred and George then walked into the infirmary and walked over to them, "Okay so we were in the library-" 

Marlene cut George off, "You two in the library? I feel honoured." 

"You should. Anyway we...Madame Pomfrey you don't want to hear this." Fred said 

Madame Pomfrey gave them a knowing look before she nodded and walked away, "So we got into the restricted section." 

"That's more like it." Marlene said 

Fred took out a book and said, "Nicked this. It says that, I'm paraphrasing, the wolf inside you is pissed because you had a calm one." 

"Great, can't just have a good day for once. Thank you, you better put the book back before Pince figures it out." Marlene said 

"I also found this." George said 

Fred looked at him and said, "It has nothing to do with our current situation-" 

George cut Fred off, "But it's interesting. Here look at this." 

Marlene sat up and took the book from George, "Blood curses and the like? What is this?" 

"Blood curses. A powerful witch or wizard can cast it and it makes the victim cough up blood, get weak, only a couple of people have ever survived it. It's powerful stuff. Pretty cool magic" George explained 

Marlene nodded, "I bet. is that cool magic? And you're telling me this because?" 

"Because you need the entertainment." George said 

Marlene smiled, "Thank you." 

"Of course, can't have out favourite little prankster getting bored now can we?" Fred said 

Madame Pomfrey then walked over to them, "Out both of you. 

"Oh come o-" 

Madame Pomfrey cut Fred off, "Don't make me ask you again." 

Fred and George stood up and walked out of the infirmary, "You hate visitors don't you?" 

"I do. Slightly shocked I haven't seen Mr Bletchley down here though, he's been here every over time refusing to leave." Madame Pomfrey said 

Marlene looked at the clock that was on the wall and said, "He's probably still in bed. He's found out that after full moons he is very tired." 

. . . . . . . . 

Madame Pomfrey was pouring some water into a glass as they heard cheering from the First Task of the tournament, "Last year dementors, this year dragons, what are they going to bring into this school next?"

"Something worse." Marlene said, "Hey, can you tell me about my mum?" 

"You should be resting." Madame Pomfrey said 

Marlene gave her a look and said, "I am. Just bored whilst doing it. Come on humour me." 

Madame Pomfrey sat down and said, "Okay...she had a lot of brothers, which made her a very tough young lady. She was a beater for the Quidditch team, Lily Evan's best friend. And as you know a pain in my backside but she was still a favourite of mine." 

Just then they heard a roar and a dragon flew past the windows at the end of the room smashing them in the process.

Marlene and Madame Pomfrey ducked and covered their heads, they looked at the now holes in the walls and saw Harry flying on his broom being chased by a dragon, "The hell is he doing?" 

Madame Pomfrey stood up, "Are you alright?" 

Marlene nodded as Madame Pomfrey picked up her wand and walked over to the windows, "Honestly if I wasn't scared of what would happen to you students. I'd resign out of protest of this." 

"What protest against dragons?" Marlene asked 

As she fixed the windows Madame Pomfrey said, "Of the tournament, people die in it. And who takes care of the champions wounds. Me."

"You're good at it though. You have to be, you deal with me every month." Marlene said, she winced as she felt a pain in her side 

. . . . . . . . .

Marlene was asleep in the infirmary when she was jumped awake by the doors flying open and people cheering as they walked inside, "Six visitors at a time!" Madame Pomfrey was shouting 

Marlene slowly sat up and she smiled when she saw Harry walk in with Gryffindor students behind him cheering. 

Once Madame Pomfrey had pushed everyone outside, Harry was left standing in the room, "You smashed the bloody windows. Idiot." 

Harry turned around and saw Marlene sitting on a bed, he walked over to her and sat on the chair next to her, "What happened to you?" 

"I've got a pissed wolf inside me, what's your excuse?" Marlene asked 

Harry chuckled and said, "I got chased by a dragon." 

"Yeah that's better than my excuse. So come on tell me what happened." Marlene said 

Madame Pomfrey walked over to them and started to heal some of Harry's cuts and scrapes, "He broke my windows that's what happened." 

"The dragon got loose. I got the Horntail." Harry said 

Marlene whistled before saying, "Damn. Charlie described that one as a nasty little bugger." 

Harry nodded, "Well Charlie was right." 

A few minutes later Madame Pomfrey had finished and she said, "Alright, it's been ten minutes Marlene?" 

"Nothing. I think it's calmed down." Marlene said 

Madame Pomfrey sat at the end of her bed and said, "It isn't a different person inside of you Marlene. It's who you are, please figure that out quicker than your both of you get out of here." 

Thank you for reading 

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