The Dementor

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Zac was pushing the trolley with his and Marlene's luggage through the station, Marlene was sitting on the trolley up against the handles with the cage with her owl in it in between her legs, "You're making this more difficult you know that right?" 

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Zac was pushing the trolley with his and Marlene's luggage through the station, Marlene was sitting on the trolley up against the handles with the cage with her owl in it in between her legs, "You're making this more difficult you know that right?" 

"I'm tired." Marlene said as she looked up, "I broke almost every bone in my body over and over again, that is tiring and bloody painful." 

"I know I was there so...Sleeping on the train then?" Zac asked

Marlene nodded, "Sleeping on the train as always."

Zac began to speed up as they came to the wall in between platform 9 and 10, "Hold on." 

Marlene held onto the bottom of the trolley as Zac pushed it through the wall and they came out in platform 9 3/4

Harry, Ron and Hermione then walked over to them, "Where did you guys go last night?" Ron asked 

"We had a thing to do." Zac said

Harry nodded and said, "I have something to tell you all." 

"Now or on the train?" Marlene asked as she got off of the trolley so the luggage could be taken onto the train 

"On the train." Harry said 

Half an hour later the group walked into a carriage on the train and saw someone asleep in the corner, "Who do you think that is?" Ron asked

Hermione looked up and said, "Professor R.J. Lupin. Also known as Marlene's dad."

Ron looked surprised as he said, "Do you know everything? How is it she knows everything?"

Marlene rolled her eyes and said, "It's on his suitcase, Ron."

"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry asked

Marlene nodded, "He had a big night. Why?"

"I gotta tell you something." Harry said

Once Harry had explained everything Ron said, "Let me get this straight. Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you?"

Marlene and Zac shared a look as Harry nodded, "Yeah."

"But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean, everyone's looking for him." Hermione said

Zac nodded, "Sure, but no one has ever broken out of Azkaban before."

"And he's a murderous, raving lunatic." Ron said

Suddenly the train stopped, "Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet." Marlene said

Ron leaned over to the window and said, "What's going on?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe we've broken down." The lights then went out

"There's something moving out there. I think... someone's coming aboard." Ron said

Just then the window started to freeze over, "Bloody hell! What's happening?" Zac asked

They all looked over at the door to the carriage and saw a cloaked hand go over the door, the door unlocked and slid open.

Zac put his hand on Marlene's knee, "Dementor."

Marlene nodded as the Dementor looked in the carriage, it looked at Harry.

A few seconds later Remus stood up and a bright light came out of the end of his wand and the Dementor left.

. . . . . . .

"Harry. Harry, are you all right?" Hermione asked

Harry began to wake up and Hermione handed him his glasses, "Thank you."

Remus handed Harry some chocolate, "Here eat this. It'll help."

"What was that thing?" Harry asked

"It was a Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now, it was searching the train for Sirius Black. If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver. Eat. You'll feel better."

Remus stood up and walked out of the carriage, Marlene stood up and followed him shutting the door behind him, "Are you okay?" Remus asked and Marlene nodded, "Tell me the truth, what's going on?"

"You know what's going on." Remus said

Marlene shook her head, "No I don't. Is he here for Harry or me?"

Remus paused before he said, "I don't know. But I do know, that I won't let him touch you, you got that?" Marlene nodded, "How was your night?"

"How was yours?" Marlene asked

Remus nodded, "Fair enough. Go back to your friends Marl."

Marlene hugged Remus before walking back into the carriage as Harry asked, "What happened to me?"

"Well, you sort of went rigid. We thought well I thought you were having a fit." Zac said

Harry sat up straight and said, "And did any of you know...pass out?"

Marlene shook her head as she sat back down, "No. We didn't, just you."

"It was weird though. Like I'd never be cheerful again." Ron said

Harry looked confused as he said, "But someone was screaming. A woman."

Hermione, Ron, Marlene and Zac shared as look as Hermione said, "No one was screaming Harry." 

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