Asking the painting

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"You're kidding me? You've been living in the House of Black?" Zac asked as he and Marlene were sitting on the top of a hill, which led down to Hagrid's hut

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"You're kidding me? You've been living in the House of Black?" Zac asked as he and Marlene were sitting on the top of a hill, which led down to Hagrid's hut

Marlene nodded and said, "Yeah, creepy place but you get used to it. Kreacher the house elf is a bit of a git but he's tolerable and there's a screaming painting which is stuck on the wall so...strange." 

They stopped talking as some Durmstrang students walked past them, "It's weird having more people here." 

"Not weird, scary. More people means more people I can hurt." Marlene said 

Zac shook his head, "You're not going to hurt anyone. I'm with you now, it'll be fine. Besides McKinnon would never open that door for anyone she didn't like or know." 

"Oh...I need to talk to her." Marlene said 

Zac raised an eyebrow, "McKinnon? Why do you need to talk to her?" 

"You know I said I found out who my mum was?" Marlene asked and Zac nodded, "Well, she was murdered by Death Eaters and part of her is a painting that protects me on full moons." 

Zac then realised what she was saying, "Marlene McKinnon...Marlene Lupin, same name, woman's been protecting you for four years. Makes sense, makes a lot of sense...who told you?" 

"Dad...he brought it up thinking that I knew about her, then they had to tell me. I get why they didn't though. Do you remember when Hagrid was telling us about him, how he said that no one survived after he decided to kill them?" 

Zac nodded, "He said the McKinnons. How did we not put that together?" 

"I think we were a bit freaked out about what was going on at the time." Marlene said, " is Nina?" Marlene asked going off of the topic 

Zac groaned and said, "Cabbages, the whole damn house smells of cabbages. I hate cabbages. She's going senile she asked me the same question every single day. You know our house might be full of werewolves but at least it's interesting." 

"Interesting really that's what you're going with?" Marlene asked 

Zac nodded, "Where else do you have to help lock up family members so they don't eat you? I call that interesting." 

"It's something. Don't know if interesting is the right word." Marlene said 

Zac smiled and said, "You need to go and talk to painting mum." 

Marlene stood up and said, "Painting mum. You are on fire today." 

. . . . . . . . 

Marlene jogged up the stairs towards the painting, "Did you know?" 

"Know what?" 

Marlene scoffed and said, "Oh come on, you had to have known. Dad called you an old family friend I know that's a load of rubbish." 

"He finally got the courage to tell you about me then? I knew, of course I knew. It had to be you Remus would never brave adopting a kid that didn't mean something to him." 

"You know if I think about it, it makes sense. You've protected me for four years. Why else would you do that for a total stranger?" Marlene said

McKinnon shook her head, "You're not a stranger to me. I spent nine months talking to you. Another nineteen raising you. And now four years making sure you stay safe on full moons. You are anything but a stranger to me." 

"Why didn't you tell me? You could've, you've had plenty of opportunities." Marlene said as she leaned up against the railing

McKinnon nodded, "I did. But then you would ask Remus about me and I know that it was hard for him, I didn't want him to bring it up again. He would tell you when it was the right time and he did."

"He didn't. It was Sirius, he mentioned you and I asked. He probably wouldn't have told me." Marlene said 

"He would've. He said he was going to when he thought you could handle it better I mean I was murdered for Merlins sakes. We didn't know how you would react to finding out your mother was murdered. So for as long as I was needed I would make sure no one found out what you are. I don't like the guy but Dumbledore is trying to protect you so he's gone slightly up in my book." 

"I want to hear you say it. I know it's stupid I've never had a mum and now I do. Granted you're a painting but still...part of you is in there so can you say it?" Marlene asked 

McKinnon smiled, "I've been waiting for four years to say this but...I'm your mum, Merlin that felt good. Didn't think that would feel that good." 

Thank you for reading 

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