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"How did you not loose your mind? Everyone else in Azkaban are insane, you're not

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"How did you not loose your mind? Everyone else in Azkaban are insane, you're not." Marlene said as she sat down on the bed

Sirius nodded as he sat down next to her and said, "I don't know how I did it. I think the only reason I never lost my mind is that I knew I was innocent, I knew one day I would go home to you. That wasn't a happy thought, so the Dementors couldn't suck it out of me... but it kept me sane and knowing who I am... helped me keep my powers... so when it all became... too much... I could transform in my cell... become a dog."

"And that's how you got out." Marlene said

Sirius nodded, "They didn't know. Myself and now your friend Zac are two unregistered Animagus's they didn't know so they couldn't put the precautions in to stop me from transforming. I ended up having to swim across the ocean as a dog, not a fun task to have to complete...I got you for one year and...ten months. Your mum a bit less."

Marlene looked at him, "My mum?"

"Remus never told you?" Sirius asked and Marlene shook her head, "Do you want to know?"

Marlene paused before she nodded her head, "Uh...yeah, yeah I think I do."

" much do you know about your father and I's friends?" Sirius asked

Remus then walked into the room saying, "Our stuff has been apparated in."

"You never told her?" Sirius asked

Remus knew immediately what he was talking about, "I didn't know how to."

"Tell me what?" Marlene asked

Remus sat down on a chair in the corner of the room and said, "Your mother...was killed by Death Eaters, along with her whole family."

"I was the one who found her...I saw her patronus but I...I didn't get there in time. I was the one who had to tell her girlfriend...Dorcas about it." Sirius said

Marlene paused before she said, "Dorcas? Dorcas Meadows?" Remus and Sirius nodded, "McKinnon's my mum."

Sirius looked at Remus and he said, "Her portrait is the door to the tower where Marlene turns every month."

Sirius nodded and said, "She is. It was one night which ended in-"

Marlene cut him off, "Me."

"She always said she never wanted kids. But when you came along there was nothing she wouldn't do for you. We put her in a safe house to protect you and her but she went missing we all thought she was dead. I got to the house, you were there but Marlene wasn't." Sirius said

Marlene ran her hand through her hair and said, "What happened?"

"She came back. Bloodied and bruised she told us that she had to lead the Death Eaters away from you. We called you Marlene because-"

Marlene cut Remus off saying, "Because you thought she was dead."

Remus nodded, "Exactly."

"You were born before Harry so they all knew you. James, Lily, Dorcas, Mary, Frank and Alice. It was a war zone but...we made it good." Sirius said

. . . . . . .

"Look what I found." Remus said as he walked into the kitchen with one hand behind his back, "As I said our stuff has been apparated in and I found this..." Remus moved his hidden hand to his front and they saw that he was holding the black dog stuffed animal

Sirius smiled as he stood up, walked over to Remus and took the toy, "This blasted thing, god forbid you didn't have it you would not sleep."

"It was like that for a long time." Remus said

"Oh Merlin there's two of you." Marlene said with a smile

Remus smiled as he sat down and said, "And there is a box with some of your one sleeved tops."

"One sleeved?" Sirius asked

Marlene nodded, "When it gets hot. I don't want to wear long sleeved tops. And I don't want people to see my arm especially now sleeved." Marlene stood up and said, "I am going to write a letter." 

. . . . . . 

In the kitchen Remus and Sirius were sitting down, "Thank you. You did a great job with her. I know the girls would be happy too."

Remus nodded, "I think they would. You know, it makes me happy that she's friends with Harry and Neville. Marlene wanted it that way but she did it all on her own. Sometimes I wished that if she could only have one parent that she could've had her mum. She would've done it better."

Sirius shook his head, "No, Moony look at her, she's brilliant like her mum you did that. You didn't let the part of her that is a Black take her over. I do wish things had been different but they weren't we dealt with what happened our own ways."

Marlene was standing outside the door listening, she wiped a tear off of her face before walking up the stairs.

Thank you for reading

Some of the tops I think would be Marlene vibe will be at the top

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