He's Here

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Back at the tent, George and Fred were singing about the Irish, Marlene was sitting down on a sofa, she laughed and clapped when she got a pain up her arm, "Oh!" 

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Back at the tent, George and Fred were singing about the Irish, Marlene was sitting down on a sofa, she laughed and clapped when she got a pain up her arm, "Oh!" 

Zac stood up from where he was sitting and quickly walked over to her, "Hey, you okay what is it?" 

Marlene looked at him as he crouched down in front of her, she looked to her left and saw Hermione slowly move in front of Ginny, "He's here." 

"Who's here?" Zac asked 

Marlene looked to the door then said, "It's not the Irish." 

Arthur quickly ran inside the tent saying, "It's not the irish. We've gotta get out of here. Now." 

"Arthur." Zac said 

As everyone was getting their stuff from their rooms Arthur walked over to them, "Marlene? What is it my girl." 

Marlene looked up at him and said, "He's here. Greyback he's here." 

"Are you sure?" Arthur asked 

Marlene nodded, she looked to her left and saw everyone watching, "Majority of people in this tent know anyway." 

She took her arm out of her sleeve and showed Arthur the claw scars that were there, but there were red marks around them, "Pretty damn sure yeah." 

"We've gotta get out of here. Now" Arthur said 

Everyone ran out of the tent and saw the grounds on fire, people running around screaming and shouting, "It's the Death Eaters!" 

"Get back to the portkey everybody, and stick together. Fred, George... Ginny is your responsibility." Arthur said 

There were figures in pointed hoods carrying flaming torches walking around the site, "Go!" Arthur shouted 

Everyone began to run towards where the Portkey was. Zac grabbed Marlene's hand, "Don't let go!" 

"I don't plan on it!" Marlene said back, she then saw Harry being swept away by the crowd, "Harry!" 

Marlene and Zac then found themselves lost from the group, they ran to the edge of the site where there were less people running around, "Oh god." 

"What, what is it?" Zac asked 

Marlene nodded to someone who was walking around the rubble, "It's him." 

The man looked at them, but then the sky went green and a large skull was in the sky with a snake coming from it, when Marlene looked back the man was gone. 

"Look." Zac said 


The pair ran towards Harry who was hiding behind part of a burnt tent, Hermione and Ron ran towards them, "Been looking for you for ages. Thought we lost you." 

"What is that?" Harry asked as he looked at the skull in the sky 

They all ducked and covered their heads when spells flew their way exploding their surrounding, "Stop! That's my son!" 

Arthur and some other people ran towards them, "Are you alright?" 

"Which of you conjured this?" Barty asked as he pointed his wand towards them

Arthur scoffed and said, "You can't possibly-" 

Barty cut Arthur off shouting, "Do not lie! You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!" 

"Crime?" Harry asked 

Arthur looked at Barty and said, "Barty, they're just kids." 

"What crime?" Harry asked 

Marlene leaned towards him and said, "Harry it's his mark." 

"Those people tonight, in the masks...they're his too aren't they? they're his followers."  Harry said 

Barty began to walk off, "Follow me." 

"There was a man. Before." Harry said, he pointed to an area, "There." 

"All of you this way." Barty said as he walked off 

Arthur stood in front of them and said, "Harry, who?" 

Harry shrugged and said, "I don't know. I didn't see his face." 

. . . . . . . . 

As they were walking back Harry jogged over to Marlene, "Hey do you think...Moony and Padfoot will know something." 

Marlene nodded, "I'll write to them, they should know something." 

Harry nodded and said, "Hey, are you okay? Before it all happened your arm." 

"I'm okay, you?" Marlene asked 

"I'm okay too." Harry said 

Thank you for reading 

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