Is it always going to be you?

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Marlene and the rest of the girls were asleep when they heard shouts and screams from outside

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Marlene and the rest of the girls were asleep when they heard shouts and screams from outside.

"What the hell!" Hermione shouted as she sat up

Marlene picked up her wand and her ring from the bedside table, she put on her ring just as the door flew open. She pointed her wand to the door and saw that it was Zac running in, "Are you alright? What's happening?" Marlene asked

She got out of bed as Zac said, "There was someone in the room."

Everyone in the room ran outside just as they saw Harry and Ron run out of their room

A few minutes later everyone was gathered in the common room, all in pyjamas. McGonagall was in a tartan robe with an irritated look on her face, "That's preposterous, Weasley. How could Sirius Black possibly have got through the portrait hole?" McGonagall asked

"I don't know how he got in! I was a bit busy dodging his knife!" Ron shouted

Zac and Marlene were at the back of the crowd sitting down, "He was there? You sure?"

Zac nodded, "Well there was definitely a person. With a knife." Zac said

"I don't get it. What is he after?" Marlene asked

Zac shrugged and said, "Who, more like."

"Harry?" Marlene shook her head, "No. No way."

"Silence!" McGonagall shouted

McGonagall turned around and looked at the painting, "Sir Cadogan. Is it possible that you let a mysterious man enter Gryffindor Tower tonight?"

Cadogan nodded, "Certainly, good lady! He had the password. Had the whole week's, in fact. On a little piece of paper."

McGonagall turned back around and said, "Which abysmally foolish person wrote down the passwords and then proceeded to lose them!"

Everyone in the room looked at Neville. McGonagall sighed and said, "Is it always going to be you, Longbottom?"

Neville nodded and said, "I'm afraid so, ma'am."

"While we know Sirius Black is gone tonight, I think you can safely assume he will, at some future time, attempt to return. Let me be clear. You are not to move about the castle alone. And you are not to write down the password! Understood!" McGonagall said

Everyone nodded as McGonagall left the room, Harry, Ron and Hermione walked over to Marlene and Zac, "I could've killed him. He was right there. Close enough to touch. I could've killed him."

Marlene and Zac moved along on the sofa so the rest of the group could sit down, "I for one am not going in there tonight." Ron said

. . . . . . . . .

Seamus and Dean walked down the stairs the next morning and saw Hermione asleep on the arm chair. Ron sitting up against the sofa asleep. Harry on another armchair. Marlene and Zac were laying down on the sofa behind Ron.

Seamus and Dean shared a look. Dean whistled as Seamus started to clap his hands and shouted, "Good morning lazy people!"

The group jumped us they woke up, Zac grabbed Marlene's waist as she almost fell on top of Ron, "Bloody Hell Seamus!"

Marlene threw a cushion at Seamus but he caught it, "We have no lessons you know that right? It's Sunday"

"Yeah but we have breakfast." Dean said 

Zac groaned and said, "I am actually going to kill you." 

Thank you for reading 

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