Up to no good

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"Marls! Marls! Marlene!" Zac shouted as he ran down the corridor after her 

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"Marls! Marls! Marlene!" Zac shouted as he ran down the corridor after her 

Marlene turned around, "Sorry, didn't hear you zoned out." 

"You okay?" Zac asked

Marlene nodded as she sat on the wall, "I didn't want to listen to that. I know it was bad doesn't mean I want to hear about what happened to people like me." 

"I get it. You know I have a thing for raw steak now?" Zac asked 

Marlene looked at him with a surprised look on her face, "You're kidding me?", Zac shook his head, "Can you hear better?" 

Zac nodded, "A little bit yeah." 

"Huh...I scratched you when the moon wasn't out, you must have got some lupine tendencies." Marlene said 

"Lucky me." 

Just then the Weasley twins quickly walked towards them "What are you up to?" Marlene asked before they could even say anything 

George faked looking offended, "How can you assume we're up to something?" 

"Because of the amount of times you've roped us into things as we're less likely to get into trouble for it." Zac said 

Fred nodded and said, "Okay, okay, we need your help." 

After the twins explained what they wanted to do, Zac and Marlene looked at each other and Zac shook his head, "No. No. A million times no." 

"Come on guys it's a great idea." Fred said 

Marlene scoffed and said, "It's a dangerous idea." 

"We know, so help us." George said 

The group started to walk down the hall, "Even if I could I'm not making you an ageing potion. Don't you have any other friends to ask." 

"None that are good with potions." George said 

Zac looked at them and said, "I don't think this is the best idea." 

"Come on where's your sense of fun?" Fred asked 

"We'll leave you alone if you help us." George said 

Marlene shook her head, "You and I both know you won't leave us alone. But fine I'll make it but I'm not telling you it's going to work." 

"You're the best." Fred said as the pair ran off down the corridor 

Marlene rolled her eyes, "I know." 

"You're making it right? I'm watching." Zac said 

Marlene nodded, "Obviously. You're shite at potions." 

. . . . . . . . . 

In the hall where the goblet was Marlene and Zac were sitting on the bleachers, watching as people were putting their name into the goblet, "Cedric's doing it?" Zac asked 

Marlene looked over and saw Cedric walk through the line and put his name into the goblet, "Looks like Krum is too." Marlene said as Krum put his name into the goblet 

Just then the twins ran into the room cheering, "Thank you thank you, well lads we've done it." Fred said 

George nodded, "Cooked it up this morning." 

"Oh really?" Marlene asked as she stood up 

Hermione walked over to the twins, "It's not going to work." 

"Oh yeah? And why's that Granger?" Fred asked

Hermione pointed to the line and said, "You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." 

Fred didn't seem to get what she was saying, "So?" 

Hermione rolled her eyes, "So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion." 

"That's why it's so brilliant." George said, "Ready Fred?" 

Fred nodded, "Ready George." 

The pair drank the potion, then jumped inside the age line. They paused for a second before nothing happened.

They put their names into the goblet and high fived each other. 

The flames fire up and they were flung across the room onto the floor, when they sat up they had grey hair and beards

They rolled around the floor fighting, "Two ideas. You made it wrong on purpose or the line did that." 

"I didn't do that." Marlene said, "Knew it would happen but I didn't do it." 

. . . . . . . 

On the way back to the Common room Zac and Marlene heard, "Good Evening, Miss Marlene, Mr Zac. Quiet night tonight isn't it?" 

Marlene looked up and saw Peeves sitting on one of the chandeliers, "Unless you know something we don't?" 

"I know many things other people don't. I'm hurt Miss Marlene how could you think Peeves is up to something." Peeves said 

Marlene laughed as Zac said, "You are somewhat a trickster." 

"Mister Zac doesn't like Peeves it seems."

Zac nodded, "I'm not a massive fan of poltergeists." 

"Zac! Leave Peeves alone he's harmless." Marlene said 

"Peeves is going to find Mr Fred and Mr George. Peeves knows where he isn't wanted." 

Marlene sighed as Peeves went invisible, "Sorry Peeves." She looked at Zac, "Happy you've upset him." 

"I don't like Poltergeists." Zac said 

Thank you for reading 

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